Information Concerning Elected Offices Notified Of Their Election {PCT-IB-332} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

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Information Concerning Elected Offices Notified Of Their Election {PCT-IB-332} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 1/15/2020

Information Concerning Elected Offices Notified Of Their Election {PCT-IB-332}

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PCT/IB/332, INFORMATION CONCERNING ELECTED OFFICES NOTIFIED OF THEIR ELECTION (PCT Article 31(7) and Rule 61.3). When an applicant files an international patent application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), they have the option to designate one or more contracting states in which they wish to seek protection for their invention. These designated states are known as "elected offices". PCT Article 31(7) and Rule 61.3 require the International Bureau of WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) to notify the applicant of the elected offices within two months of the expiration of the time limit for entering the national phase. Additionally, the International Bureau is required to provide information to the applicant regarding the requirements and procedures for entering the national phase in each elected office. PCT/IB/332 is a notification sent by the International Bureau to the applicant or their representative providing them with the list of elected offices and the relevant information regarding the national phase entry requirements and procedures for each elected office. This notification serves as a reminder to the applicant to take necessary steps to enter the national phase in each elected office within the specified time limit. The information provided in PCT/IB/332 may include details such as the deadline for entering the national phase, the required documents, fees, and any other specific requirements for each elected office. This information is important for the applicant to ensure that their international patent application is protected in the desired jurisdictions and that they comply with the requirements for each elected office.

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