Notification Of Cancellation Of Designation Or Elections {PCT-IB-335} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

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Notification Of Cancellation Of Designation Or Elections {PCT-IB-335} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 1/15/2020

Notification Of Cancellation Of Designation Or Elections {PCT-IB-335}

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PCT/IB/335, NOTIFICATION OF CANCELLATION OF DESIGNATIONS OR ELECTIONS (PCT Administrative Instructions, Section 423). This form is a notification issued by the International Bureau (IB) of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in accordance with PCT Administrative Instructions, Section 423. The purpose of the notification is to inform the applicant of the cancellation of designations or elections made in a PCT application. Under the PCT, an applicant can designate one or more contracting states in which they wish to seek patent protection. Additionally, the applicant can elect to have the application examined under Chapter II, which is known as the International Preliminary Examination. PCT/IB/335 is issued when the IB receives a request from a contracting state or the International Preliminary Examining Authority (IPEA) to cancel a designation or election made by the applicant. The notification informs the applicant of the cancellation and provides the reason for the cancellation, such as a failure to comply with national requirements or a decision by the IPEA that the election is not admissible. The notification may also provide information on any deadlines or procedures for requesting reconsideration of the cancellation or for making new designations or elections. It is important for the applicant to be aware of any cancelled designations or elections in order to ensure that they are not relying on protection that will not be granted in certain jurisdictions.

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