Invitation To Pay Prescribed Fees Together With Late Payment Fee {PCT-RO-133} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

 Official Federal Forms   US Patent Office   PCT   Receiving Office 
Invitation To Pay Prescribed Fees Together With Late Payment Fee {PCT-RO-133} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 2/4/2019

Invitation To Pay Prescribed Fees Together With Late Payment Fee {PCT-RO-133}

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PCT/RO/133, INVITATION TO PAY PRESCRIBED FEES TOGETHER WITH LATE PAYMENT FEE (PCT Rule 16bis and Administrative Instructions, Section 707). This form is issued by the receiving office of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) to notify the applicant that the receiving Office has found that the prescribed fees (i.e., transmittal fee, search fee and international filing fee) have not been paid (in full), within one month from the date of receipt of the international application (Rules 14, 15 and 16). In accordance with PCT Rule 16bis and Administrative Instructions, Section 707. PCT Rule 16bis allows for the payment of fees to be made after the due date, subject to the payment of a late payment fee. In other words, if an applicant fails to pay the required fees for their PCT application by the due date, they will receive PCT/RO/133 from the receiving office, which will invite them to pay the prescribed fees along with a late payment fee to regularize the situation. The late payment fee is an additional fee charged by the receiving office for the late payment of the prescribed fees. The amount of the late payment fee varies depending on the type of fee and the number of months that have elapsed since the due date.

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