Invitation To Correct Defects In The International Application {PCT-RO-106} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

 Official Federal Forms   US Patent Office   PCT   Receiving Office 
Invitation To Correct Defects In The International Application {PCT-RO-106} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 2/4/2019

Invitation To Correct Defects In The International Application {PCT-RO-106}

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PCT/RO/106, INVITATION TO CORRECT DEFECTS IN THE INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION (PCT Articles 3(4)(i) and 14(1) and Rule 26). This form is an invitation issued by the Receiving Office (RO) under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). If the RO identifies defects or deficiencies in the international patent application that prevent it from being considered as an international application, the RO may issue an "Invitation to Correct Defects in the International Application" under PCT Article 14(1) and Rule 20.5. The defects or deficiencies may relate to missing or incorrect information in the application documents, failure to pay certain fees, or failure to provide a translation of the application documents, if required. The communication typically specifies the defects or deficiencies found by the RO and provides a deadline for the applicant to correct them. It is important for the applicant to respond to PCT/RO/106 in a timely and thorough manner in order to ensure that their application is considered as an international application. Failure to respond to this communication may result in the application being considered withdrawn or deemed abandoned.

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