Notification Relating To Priority Claim {PCT-RO-111} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

 Official Federal Forms   US Patent Office   PCT   Receiving Office 
Notification Relating To Priority Claim {PCT-RO-111} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 12/2/2019

Notification Relating To Priority Claim {PCT-RO-111}

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PCT/RO/111, NOTIFICATION RELATING TO PRIORITY CLAIM (PCT Rules 26bis.1 and 26bis.2 and Administrative Instructions, Sections 302 and 314). This form is a notification form used in the international phase of a PCT application to indicate the priority claim of the application. It is filed by the receiving office (RO) and is governed by PCT Rules 26bis.1 and 26bis.2 and Administrative Instructions, Sections 302 and 314. The notification form typically includes information about the priority application, such as the application number, filing date, and country or regional office where the priority application was filed. The form may also include information about any changes to the priority claim or any documents required to support the priority claim. It is important to accurately and timely file the notification form to ensure that the priority claim is properly recognized in the international phase of the PCT application. Failure to properly claim priority may result in loss of priority and may have significant consequences on the validity and enforceability of any resulting patents.

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