Reinsurance Dispute Submission Form | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

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Reinsurance Dispute Submission Form | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 9/20/2021

Reinsurance Dispute Submission Form

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AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION/JOINT RESOLUTION, LLC PROCEDURES FOR RESOLUTION OF U.S. REINSURANCE DISPUTES Reinsurance Dispute Submission Form. The American Arbitration Association (AAA) Procedures for Resolution of U.S. Reinsurance Disputes (the "Procedures") are a set of rules and procedures established by the AAA and Joint Resolution LLC to provide a forum for the resolution of disputes between reinsurers and ceding companies in the United States. The Procedures provide a streamlined process for resolving disputes, with an emphasis on confidentiality, efficiency, and expertise. The Reinsurance Dispute Submission Form is a form used to submit a dispute for resolution under the Procedures. The form requires information about the parties to the dispute, the nature of the dispute, and the relief sought. The form also requires the parties to select an arbitrator or to agree to a method for selecting an arbitrator. Once the form is submitted, the AAA will review the information and, if the dispute falls within the scope of the Procedures, will provide the parties with a list of arbitrators to select from. The selected arbitrator will then manage the arbitration process, including conducting hearings, reviewing evidence, and issuing a final decision. The Procedures and the Reinsurance Dispute Submission Form provide a comprehensive and efficient mechanism for resolving disputes between reinsurers and ceding companies in the United States.

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