Request For Workplace Investigator Select-List Only | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

 Official Federal Forms   American Arbitration Association   Commercial 
Request For Workplace Investigator Select-List Only | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 10/22/2019

Request For Workplace Investigator Select-List Only

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REQUEST FOR WORKPLACE INVESTIGATOR SELECT: LIST ONLY. This form allows a party to request a list of Workplace Investigators from the AAA (American Arbitration Association) for the purpose of conducting a workplace investigation. The form specifies that the AAA's services will conclude with the submission of the Workplace Investigator list, and that the AAA will not handle fees charged by the Workplace Investigator, invite the Workplace Investigator to serve, or handle any performance-related matters, conflict checks and disclosures, scheduling, or other issues that might arise during the workplace investigation. The form also includes an Exclusion of Liability section, which states that the undersigned party agrees that neither the AAA nor any Workplace Investigator listed or appointed under this service is a necessary or proper party in judicial proceedings related to the party’s workplace investigation or services under the AAA’s Workplace Investigator Select. The undersigned party further agrees that neither the AAA nor any Workplace Investigator listed or appointed under this service shall be liable to any party in any action for damages or injunctive relief for any act or omission in connection with the party’s workplace investigation or the provision of AAA’s Workplace Investigator Select.

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