Notification Concerning Expressions Ect Not To Be Used In The International Application {PCT-ISA-218} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

 Official Federal Forms   US Patent Office   PCT   International Searching Authority 
Notification Concerning Expressions Ect Not To Be Used In The International Application {PCT-ISA-218} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 11/25/2019

Notification Concerning Expressions Ect Not To Be Used In The International Application {PCT-ISA-218}

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PCT/ISA/218, NOTIFICATION CONCERNING EXPRESSIONS, ETC., NOT TO BE USED IN THE INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION (PCT Rule 9). This form is a notification issued by the International Searching Authority (ISA) to inform the applicant that expressions, symbols, or signs used in the international application are not acceptable under PCT Rule 9. PCT Rule 9 sets out the requirements for the contents of an international application. In particular, it specifies that the application shall be presented in a language prescribed by the receiving Office and shall contain a description, one or more claims, and any drawings referred to in the description or the claims. PCT/ISA/218 may be issued if the ISA has identified expressions, symbols, or signs used in the application that are not acceptable under Rule 9. This could include, for example, technical jargon or terminology that is unclear or misleading. The notification will specify the expressions, symbols, or signs that are not acceptable, and may provide suggestions or recommendations for alternative wording or phrasing that would comply with Rule 9. It is important for the applicant to carefully review PCT/ISA/218 and take appropriate action to address any issues identified by the ISA. Failure to address these issues could result in the application being deemed incomplete or deficient, which may impact its chances of being granted.

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