Notification Regarding Attempted Tranmission Of Documents Via Telegraph Teleprinter {PCT-ISA-229} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

 Official Federal Forms   US Patent Office   PCT   International Searching Authority 
Notification Regarding Attempted Tranmission Of Documents Via Telegraph Teleprinter {PCT-ISA-229} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 11/25/2019

Notification Regarding Attempted Tranmission Of Documents Via Telegraph Teleprinter {PCT-ISA-229}

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PCT/ISA/229, NOTIFICATION REGARDING ATTEMPTED TRANSMISSION OF DOCUMENTS VIA TELEGRAPH, TELEPRINTER, FACSIMILE MACHINE, ETC. (PCT Rule 92.4(c)). This form is a notification issued by the International Searching Authority (ISA) under Rule 92.4(c) of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). Rule 92.4(c) of the PCT requires the ISA to notify the applicant if there has been an unsuccessful attempt to transmit documents via electronic means. This notification is important as it ensures that the applicant is aware of the situation and can take appropriate steps to remedy the situation, such as resending the documents using a different method. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all necessary documents are properly filed with the ISA and received by the relevant authorities within the prescribed time limits.

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