Second And Supplementary Notice Informing The Applicant Of The Communication {PCT-IB-308} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

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Second And Supplementary Notice Informing The Applicant Of The Communication {PCT-IB-308} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 1/15/2020

Second And Supplementary Notice Informing The Applicant Of The Communication {PCT-IB-308}

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PCT/IB/308, SECOND AND SUPPLEMENTARY NOTICE INFORMING THE APPLICANT OF THE COMMUNICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION (TO DESIGNATED OFFICES WHICH APPLY THE 30 MONTH TIME LIMIT UNDER ARTICLE 22(1)) (PCT Rule 47.1(c)). This form is used in the international patent application process under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). PCT Rule 47.1(c) requires the International Bureau to notify the applicant of the communication of the international application to designated offices that apply the 30-month time limit under PCT Article 22(1). This notification is typically sent in the form of a first notice, which is sent to the applicant when the international application is communicated to the designated offices. However, in cases where the communication of the international application is delayed for more than two months, the International Bureau is required to send a second and supplementary notice to the applicant. This notice informs the applicant that the international application has been communicated to the designated offices that apply the 30-month time limit under PCT Article 22(1) and provides the applicant with the date of communication. The purpose of this notice is to ensure that the applicant is aware of the communication of the international application to designated offices and has sufficient time to take any necessary steps to ensure that the application proceeds to national or regional phase.

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