Last updated: 6/1/2023
Oath Of Guardian Advocate Designation Of Resident Agent Acceptance {Form E}
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OATH OF GUARDIAN ADVOCATE, DESIGNATION OF RESIDENT AGENT & ACCEPTANCE (Form E). This form is used in the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit of Brevard County, Florida. It is related to a guardian advocacy case for a person with a developmental disability. The form includes an oath taken by the appointed Guardian Advocate, confirming their commitment to fulfill their duties in accordance with the law. The Guardian Advocate provides their residential address and post office box information. Additionally, the form requires the designation of a resident agent who will accept legal documents on behalf of the Guardian Advocate in any legal actions related to their role. The Guardian Advocate's signature is notarized, and there is a section for the acceptance of the designation by the resident agent. The resident agent confirms their permanent residency in Brevard County and accepts the responsibility as the designated agent. www.FormsWorkflow.com