Petition For Order Of Protection Injunction Against Harassment | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Arizona

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Petition For Order Of Protection Injunction Against Harassment | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Arizona

Last updated: 9/2/2022

Petition For Order Of Protection Injunction Against Harassment

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ORDER OF PROTECTION AND INJUNCTION GUIDE SHEET - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY 1. ORDERS OF PROTECTION. An Order of Protection is used for a "family" relationship between you and the Defendant. This can include a spouse, ex-spouse, past or present live-in, in-law, parent, grandparent, brother, sister, or the parent or parent-to-be of your child. Also, you must state how a crime was threatened or actually committed against you within the last year. 2. INJUNCTIONS AGAINST HARASSMENT. For an Injunction, the Defendant is not a "family" member and has committed a series of acts (more than one) of harassment against you in the last year. Also, a "dating" relationship without living together could be a basis for an Injunction. INJUNCTIONS IN THE WORKPLACE. This Injunction may be filed by an employer or owner of a business or operation for the benefit of an employee or the business against a single act or series of acts of harassment. 3. OTHER PERSONS. If other persons live with you or you have minor children you want on the Petition, be sure to state how they are at risk. Only a Superior Court Judicial Officer can decide child custody or parenting time in a separate action. It is possible that you will be referred to Superior Court if needed where children are involved. If your child is at risk by the Defendant, you may request to have the child listed on the Order. 4. ONE DEFENDANT. You must list only ONE Defendant per application. For multiple defendants you will need to file separate petitions. The court may set a hearing prior to issuing the Injunction to better know the facts. This is especially likely in cases involving juvenile defendants or neighborhood issues. 5. CHANGING THE PAPERS. Only a Judicial Officer can change or cancel an Order or Injunction. To modify an Order or Injunction, you need to come to court to file for an amendment. Once the Order or Injunction is served, if you change your mind about the need for it, please come back to court to have it canceled (dismissed). If you file an action for maternity, paternity, annulment, legal separation, or dissolution against the Defendant, advise this court at once. 6. LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDBY. If you need to get personal belongings from the Defendant, or if Defendant needs to get personal items from you, ask the court about a "standby." Neither the court nor law enforcement can decide property or title questions about furniture, finances, real estate, etc. For these matters, you may need to file a separate action. 7. SERVICE AND EFFECT. An Order or Injunction is valid for one year, nationwide, from the date it is personally served on the Defendant. There is no cost or charge to serve an Order of Protection or Injunction Against Harassment involving a "dating" relationship. There is a cost to serve a regular Injunction or Workplace Injunction. The court will instruct you on how service can be made. The cost to serve Injunctions varies depending on mileage and attempts. If you cannot afford to hire a process server, ask the court about a "deferral" or "waiver." 8. FIREARMS. If you are worried about firearms, there is a box to check on the petition asking the court to prohibit the Defendant from possessing or purchasing firearms or ammunition while the Order/Injunction is in effect. 9. COUNSELING. If requested, counseling for the Defendant can be ordered only at a hearing at which you and the Defendant must appear. 10. OTHER. If additional space is needed to provide complete information in the Petition, you may continue on additional paper. As a reminder, the information that you provide in your case may be entered into the state computer system or made public on the internet. A copy of your Petition and Order is given to the Defendant and may be used in future judicial proceedings. The Defendant is entitled to request a hearing at which the Plaintiff must appear. Make sure you PRINT all your information on this form and your actual Petition: Your Name Your Day Time Telephone Your Address and Any Apt. Number City, State, ZIP IMPORTANT, Check below to keep your address off of the papers that are served on the Defendant. Defendant does NOT know where I [ ] live [ ] work. Do NOT show my address to Defendant. If checked, please do not write these addresses on the Petition. Defendant's Name Defendant's Description Sex Race Defendant's Address and Any Apt. Number Birth Date Height Weight Eyes Hair Soc. Sec. No. Revised December 2003 Arizona Supreme Court American LegalNet, Inc. COURTS OF ARIZONA NAME OF COURT Street Address City, Arizona Zip Code Phone Number Case No. Plaintiff (Work Inj. ONLY­Plaintiff Employer) Date of Birth (Work Inj. ONLY - Agent's Name) Defendant PETITION for [] Address City, State, Zip Code Phone [] [] Order of Protection Injunction Against Harassment Workplace Injunction NCIC # Ct. # DIRECTIONS: Please read Guide Sheet before filling out this form. 1. Defendant relationship: [ ] Spouse [ ] Ex-spouse [ ] Lived together (now or before) [ ] Child in common [ ] Dating (never lived together) [ ] One of us pregnant by the other [ ] Parent [ ] Other: [ ] If checked, there is a pending action involving maternity, paternity, annulment, legal separation, dissolution, custody, parenting time or support as follows: (county) Superior Court Case # Have you or the Defendant been charged or arrested for domestic violence OR requested a Protective Order? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not sure If yes or not sure, explain: I need a Court Order because: (PRINT both the date(s) and briefly what happened): Date(s) Describe what happened (Attach additional paper if necessary ­ Do not write on back) 2. 3. 4. Page 1 of 2 Revised December 2003 Arizona Supreme Court American LegalNet, Inc. 5. The following persons should also be on this Order. As stated in number 4, the Defendant is a danger to them: Name Birth Date Name Birth Date 6. Defendant should be ordered to stay away from these locations, at all times, even when I am not present: [ ] Home [ ] Work [ ] School/Others [ ] If checked, because of the risk of harm, order the defendant NOT to possess firearms or ammunition. [ ] If checked, request an order for the Defendant to participate in domestic violence counseling or other counseling. Other: 7. 8. 9. Under penalty of perjury, I swear or affirm the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, and I request an Order/Injunction granting relief as allowed by law. Attest: Plaintiff Judicial Officer/

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