Letters Of Guardian Advocacy Of The Person {Form I} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Florida

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Letters Of Guardian Advocacy Of The Person {Form I} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Florida

Last updated: 1/23/2024

Letters Of Guardian Advocacy Of The Person {Form I}

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Form I - LETTERS OF GUARDIAN ADVOCACY OF THE PERSON (CO-GUARDIAN ADVOCATES) OF THE PERSON. This form is used in the Circuit Court, Eighteenth Judicial Circuit in Brevard County, Florida. It pertains to the guardian advocacy of a person with a developmental disability. The form declares that the appointed Guardian Advocate(s) is/are qualified to act on behalf of the individual with a developmental disability. It grants specific powers and duties to the Guardian Advocate(s), including decisions related to government benefits, residency, medical and mental health treatment, social aspects of life, education, and support actions. The form also outlines limitations on the Guardian Advocate(s)' authority without court approval, emphasizing the retention of certain legal rights by the individual with a developmental disability. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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