Motion For Second Summons And Order {MC 01b} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Motion For Second Summons And Order {MC 01b} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 7/27/2023

Motion For Second Summons And Order {MC 01b}

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MC 01b - MOTION FOR SECOND SUMMONS AND ORDER. This form is used in Michigan when the plaintiff needs a second summons to be issued for the defendant in a legal case. The plaintiff states that despite diligent attempts, they have been unable to serve the defendant personally. The motion requests the court to issue a second summons before the expiration of the initial summons. The judge can either deny the motion or grant it, specifying the new expiration date for the second summons. The purpose is to ensure proper service to the defendant in the case. Approved, SCAO. MCR 2.102(D).

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