Mediator Report {CCP 0705} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Illinois

 Illinois   Local County   Cook   Probate 
Mediator Report {CCP 0705} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Illinois

Last updated: 1/29/2021

Mediator Report {CCP 0705}

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Print Form Clear Form Mediator Report (10/14/14) CCP 0705 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, PROBATE DIVISION Estate of __________________________________________________ 3488 No. ______________________________________ Petitioner _____________________________________________ Judge Judge's No. Supplemental Proceeding: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Respondent MEDIATOR REPORT (To be completed at the end of each mediation and filed with the Court, with a courtesy copy delivered to the Probate Division Court-Annexed Mediation Supervisor, pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule 99 as a mechanism for reporting to the Supreme Court on the mediation program.) Mediator Name: ______________________________________________ Case No: ______________________ Case Type: __________________________________________________ Disabled Adult ecedent Estate D Minor Guardianship Will Contest Citation to Recover ther: ________________________ O The undersigned mediator, selected by the attorney/s appointed by the Court pursuant to the Order entered on the ________day of ______________________, _______, reports to the Court as follows: A. A settlement on this matter been reached has been reached in part has not been reached has B. (If a settlement was reached) The party designated to prepare the settlement agreement and stipulation to dismiss is ____________________ ____________________________; to be submitted to the Court by _______________________, ________. (Date) C. Date mediation began: _____/_____/_____ Date ended: _____/_____/_____ Number of sessions:________ D. Hours in mediation: ________ Hours of preparation: ________ E. How many from each category attended? ___________ Lawyers __________ Clients __________ Non-Parties (please list e.g. witness, spouse) _______________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Signature of Mediator Dated: ________________________ , __________ DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Page 1 of 1

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