Supplementary Process Application And Summons | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Massachusetts

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Supplementary Process Application And Summons | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Massachusetts

Supplementary Process Application And Summons

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SUPPLEMENTARY PROCESS APPLICATION AND SUMMONS G.L. c. 224, § 14 DOCKET NO. (court use only) Trial Court of Massachusetts District Court Department Supplementary Process Session INSTRUCTIONS TO THE JUDGMENT CREDITOR (PLAINTIFF): This application must be filed with the clerk's office along with the required entry fee. The clerk's office will add the DOCKET NO. and DATE & TIME OF HEARING, and will then return the completed summons under court seal to you. You must arrange to have a person authorized to serve civil process serve this summons on the judgment debtor at least 7 days before the hearing date. APPLICATION: The below-named and undersigned Judgment Creditor (Plaintiff) hereby makes Application for Supplementary Process against the below-named Judgment Debtor (Defendant) for payment of the unsatisfied civil judgment described below. NAME AND ADDRESS OF JUDGMENT CREDITOR (PLAINTIFF) (to be completed by Judgment Creditor ) COURT NAME AND ADDRESS (court use only) NAME AND ADDRESS OF JUDGMENT DEBTOR (DEFENDANT) (to be completed by Judgment Creditor) DATE AND TIME OF HEARING AT ABOVE COURT (court use only) DATE AT TIME CIVIL JUDGMENT THAT REMAINS UNSATISFIED (to be completed by Judgment Creditor) SIGNATURE OF JUDGMENT CREDITOR (PLAINTIFF) OR ATTORNEY COURT NAME: CASE NAME: X (if signed by attorney, also print attorney name, address, BBO number and phone number below) Atty. Name: Firm Name: Address: BBO #: DOCKET NO.: Phone: JUDGMENT DATE: SUMMONS TO THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR (DEFENDANT): You are hereby ORDERED TO APPEAR in the supplementary process session of this court at the date and time shown above to be examined regarding your property and your ability to pay the civil judgment described above that was entered against you and which is alleged to remain unsatisfied. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR AS ORDERED, THE COURT MAY ISSUE A CAPIAS (WARRANT) FOR YOUR ARREST. If you are currently unable to pay the full amount of this judgment, you must appear in court and explain to a judge your reasons for requesting time to pay. You should bring with you to the hearing any documents or other information you have regarding your current ability to pay (bank statements, pay stubs, etc.). Prior to the hearing you should complete a "FINANCIAL STATEMENT" form, which is available from the court clerk's office or at By law, all income from certain public assistance and benefit programs, plus a portion of any wages or employment-based retirement payments, will be exempt from any payment order. A list of these exemptions is available from the court clerk's office or at TESTE OF FIRST JUSTICE (court use only) SIGNATURE OR FACSIMILE OF CLERK-MAGISTRATE/ASST. CLERK WITNESS: X INSTRUCTIONS TO ANY PERSON AUTHORIZED TO SERVE CIVIL PROCESS: You are hereby commanded to serve a copy of this summons at least 7 days before the return date shown above, as provided in G.L. c. 224, § 14, and make return of service below. If the debtor is a natural person, service may be made in hand or by leaving at the debtor's last and usual place of abode. If the debtor is a corporation, service may be made by delivering in hand to, or by leaving a copy at the business office of, the president, treasurer, clerk, resident agent, cashier, secretary, agent or other officer in charge of its business, or, if no such officer is found within the county, any member of the corporation. If the debtor is a trust with transferable shares, service may be made in the same manner on any trustee. RETURN OF SERVICE: I certify that I served this process by ("x" one): Delivering a copy of it personally to the judgment debtor. Leaving a copy of it at the dwelling house or usual place of abode of the judgment debtor with a person of suitable age and discretion residing there. Mailing a copy to the debtor at the debtor's last known address, shown above. Other (explain): I was unable to make service because: SIGNATURE OF PERSON MAKING SERVICE TITLE OF PERSON MAKING SERVICE DATE & TIME SERVED X ATENCION: ESTE ES UN AVISO OFICIAL DE LA CORTE. SI USTED NO SAVE LEER INGLÈS, OBTENGA UNA TRADUCCIÒN. American LegalNet, Inc.

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