Notice To Pay Rent Or Quit {LT-102} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Legal Forms

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Notice To Pay Rent Or Quit {LT-102} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Legal Forms

Notice To Pay Rent Or Quit {LT-102}

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NOTICE TO PAY RENT OR QUIT TO , and all other tenants in possession of the premises described as: Address PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the rent is now due and payable on the above- described premises which you currently hold and occupy. Your rental account is delinquent in the amount itemized as follows: Rental Period Rent due $ Rental Period Rent due $ TOTAL RENT DUE $ less partial payment of $ equals TOTAL BALANCE DUE of $ You are hereby required to pay said rent in full within days or to remove from and deliver up possession of the above-described premises, or legal proceedings will be instituted against you to recover possession of said premises, to declare the forfeiture of the Lease or Rental Agreement under which you occupy said premises and to recover rents and damages, together with court costs and attorney's fees, according to the terms of your Lease or Rental Agreement. Please pay said rent in the manner(s) here indicated: In person to at address during the following hours and days By mail addressed to Other Dated Signed by PROOF OF SERVICE I, the undersigned, being at least 18 years of age, declare under penalty of perjury that I served the above notice, of which this is a true copy, on the above-mentioned tenant(s) in possession in the manner(s) indicated below: On , , I handed the notice to the tenant(s). On , , after attempting personal service, I handed the notice to a person of suitable age and discretion at the residence/business of the tenant(s). On , , after attempting service in both manners indicated above, I posted the notice in a conspicuous place at the residence of the tenant(s). On , , I sent by [cross out the ones not used] (first-class) (registered) (certified) mail a true copy of the notice addressed to the tenant(s) at his/her/their place of residence. Executed on , at the City of , County of , State of . Served by American LegalNet, Inc. ©

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