Last updated: 8/11/2012
Certificate Of Correction To Foreign Limited Liability Company Application {CO}
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CO 53-05 CONTACT: KANSAS SECRETARY OF STATE Foreign Limited Liability Company Certificate of Correction Kansas Office of the Secretary of State (785) 296-4564 kssos@sos.ks.gov www.sos.ks.gov Memorial Hall, 1st Floor 120 S.W. 10th Avenue Topeka, KS 66612-1594 Above space is for office use only. i All information must be completed or this document will not be accepted for filing. Please read instructions before completing. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Business entity ID number: This is not the Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN) _______________________________________ 2. Name of the foreign LLC: 3. State/Country of organization: Name must match the name on record with the Secretary of State ________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ 4. The statement(s) in the LLC's application for registration is/are changed to read as follows: 5. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Kansas that the foregoing is true and correct and that I have remitted the required fee. ________________________________________________________ Signature of authorized person _______________________________________________________ _ Date (month, day, year) ________________________________________________________ Name of signer (printed or typed) i Instructions: 1. Submit this form with the $35 filing fee. STAY UP-TO-DATE ON YOUR ORGANIZATION'S STATUS, ANNUAL REPORT DUE DATE AND CONTACT ADDRESSES BY GOING TO WWW.SOS.KS.GOV. UNDER QUICK LINKS, SELECT SEARCH BUSINESS ENTITY INFORMATION. There is a $25 service fee for all checks returned by your financial institution. All information must be completed or this document will not be accepted for filing. Rev. 12/27/10 jdr Page 1 of 1 K.S.A. 17-76,124 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com