Last updated: 11/8/2010
Letters Testamentary (Certified)
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LETTERS TESTAMENTARY Cause No. _________________________ STATE OF INDIANA, MARION COUNTY, Sct: I, Elizabeth L. White, Clerk of the Marion Superior Court, Probate Division, State of Indiana, do hereby Certify that the last Will and Testament of ______________________________________, deceased, has been duly admitted to probate and recorded in said Court, and __________________________________ having been given bond or trust oath and duly qualified as ________________________ is duly authorized and empowered to take upon __________self the administration of said estate according to law and to carry out the terms of such will. WITNESS my hand and seal of said Court, at the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, this _______ day of ____________, ______ _____ELIZABETH L. WHITE_____, Clerk Marion Superior Court, Probate Division STATE OF INDIANA, MARION COUNTY, Sct: I, Elizabeth L. White, Clerk of the Marion Superior Court, Probate Division, State of Indiana, the same being a Court of Record, and having within Marion County exclusive probate jurisdiction, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and complete copy of the Letters of Testamentary granted and issued to ________________________________ on the estate of _______________________________________, late of said County deceased, and that said Letters Testamentary are still in force, and all the legal acts of said execut___ entitled to full faith and credit, as fully appears from the records of said Court in my custody as such Clerk, and on file in my office. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I hereunto affix the seal of said Court and subscribe my name, at the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, this _______ day of __________, ______ __________________________________, Clerk Marion Superior Court, Probate Division American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com