Last updated: 1/23/2024
Physicians Report {413.3}
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COURT COUNTY .OF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... .. : STATE OF INDIANA ) ) COUNTY OF MARION Index No. Calendar No. IN THE MARION SUPERIOR COURT : SS: PROBATE DIVISIONJUDICIAL SUBPOENA Plaintiff(s) CAUSE NO._________________________ ) ) : -against) : : : : IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ______________________________________, . . . . .). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................. Deceased ) Defendant(s) THE PEOPLE OF THE STATEOF NEW YORK NOTICE OF UNSUPERVISED TO ADMINISTRATION TO BE MAILED TO A DISTRIBUTEE GREETINGS: Notice is hereby given that ___________________________________________, WE COMMAND YOU, that all business and excuses being laid aside, you and each of you attend before , the Honorable of ________________,________,was appointed as the personal representative of the at the Court on the _____ day located at County________________________, died on the _____day of _____________,_______ of estate of in room , on the day of , 20 , at o'clock in the noon, and at any recessed or adjourned date, estate will begive evidence as a witness in this action on the part of the to testify and administered without court supervision. leaving a will. The As an heir, a devisee, or a legatee of the state (a %22distributee%22), you are advised of the following information: Your failure to comply with this subpoena is punishable as consulting you. 1. The personal representative has the authority to take actions concerning the estate without firsta contempt of court and will make you liable to 2. The personal representative may this subpoena was bond with the a maximum right to petition the and set bond for your protection. the party on whose behalf be serving without posting aissued for court. You have thepenalty of $50court to alla damages sustained as a 3. The personal result of your representative will appointment of the personal representative, the personal representative mustor personal representative's fees. assets. You failure to the not obtain court approval of any action, including the amount of attorney's prepare an inventory of the estate's 4. Within two (2) months after comply. have the right to request and receive a copy of this inventory from the personal representative. The personal representative is required to furnish you with a copy of the closing statement that will be filed with the court, and, if your interests are affected, with a full account in writing of the administration of the estate. Witness, Honorable , one of the Justices of the 6. You must file an objection to the closing statement within three (3) months after the closing statement is filed with the court if you want the court to Court in your objection. County, day of , 20 consider 7. If an objection to the closing statement is not filed with the court within three (3) months after the filing of the closing statement, the estate is closed and the 5. court does not have a duty to audit or make an inquiry. (Attorney must sign above and type name below) IF, AT ANY TIME BEFORE THE ESTATE IS CLOSED, YOU HAVE REASON TO BELIEVE THAT THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE ESTATE SHOULD BE SUPERVISED BY THE COURT, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PETITION THE COURT FOR SUPERVISED Attorney(s) for ADMINISTRATION. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS NOTICE, YOU SHOULD ASK YOUR ATTORNEY TO EXPLAIN IT TO YOU. The personal representative's address is ______________________________________. Office and P.O. Address The attorney for the personal representative is ___________________________ whose address is Telephone No.: __________________________________________, and telephone number is ______________. Facsimile No.: E-Mail Address: Dated at Indianapolis, Indiana, this ______ day of _________________, _____________. Mobile Tel. No.: _____________________________________________ Clerk of the Marion Superior Court, Probate Division American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com