Statement Of Responsibility For Attorneys Who Allow Staff To File Documents Electronically {NVB 5005.6} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Nevada

 Nevada   Federal   Bankruptcy Court 
Statement Of Responsibility For Attorneys Who Allow Staff To File Documents Electronically {NVB 5005.6} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Nevada

Last updated: 6/10/2022

Statement Of Responsibility For Attorneys Who Allow Staff To File Documents Electronically {NVB 5005.6}

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UNITED S TATES B ANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRI CT OF NEV ADA STATEMENT OF RESPO NSIBILITY FOR ATTORNEYS WHO DECLINE CM/ECF TRAINING AND ALLOW STAFF TO FILE DOCUMENTS ELECTRONIC ALLY The following is a statement of responsibility concerning electronic filings in the CM/ECF system maintained by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Nevada: As the attorney responsible for all filings in my cases, I understand that I have been offered the opportunity to receive CM/ECF training by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Nevada and have declined such training for myself. I have allowed my staff to receive this training and have elected to proceed with electronic filing of documents by my staff without the ability to supervise the actual data input. I agree that I will take full responsibility and liability for the work of my staff in filing the documents through the CM/ECF system. This includes financial responsibility for any loss due to errors or omissions, damages or misuse of the sys tem by my staff. Attorney Signature Type or print attorney name Staff Members authorized to use my password:

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