Nonstock Certificate Of Dissolution {0007} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Oklahoma

 Oklahoma   Secretary Of State   Corporation 
Nonstock Certificate Of Dissolution {0007} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Oklahoma

Last updated: 4/6/2021

Nonstock Certificate Of Dissolution {0007}

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CE ERTIFI ICATE OF DI ISSOLU UTION N (Oklahoma N Nonstock C Corporation n) Filin Fee: $25.00 ng TO: OKLAHOMA SECRETARY OF STATE O OKLAHOMA SECRETARY OF STATE Y 2 2300 N. Linco Suite 210 m apitol 421 N.W. 13th,ln Blvd., Room 101, State Ca O Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73105-4897 y, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103 (405) 522-2520 ( (405) 522-2520 0 PLE EASE NOTE E: In the eve of a dissol ent lution of a no for profit co ot orporation, A NOTICE O DISSOLU OF UTION must be published d one (1) tim in a newsp me paper having general circul g lation in the co ounty in whic the principal place of bu ch usiness of such h corporatio is located. on I hereby execute the following ar f rticles for the purpose of dissolving a Oklahoma corporation pursuant to e f an a n o the p provisions of Title 18, Se f ection 1097: 1 Name of the corporat 1. f tion: 2 Date of in 2. ncorporation of such cor n rporation: 3 NAME and street ad 3. a ddress of the registered agent for serv of proce in the sta of Oklaho a vice ess ate oma: The registered agent shall be an individ T d b dual resident o Oklahoma or a domesti or qualified corporation of ic d n, lim mited liability company, or limited part y o tnership. Oklah homa Name Street Addre ess A LE) (P.O. BOXES ARE NOT ACCEPTABL City Stat te Zip Code County 4 Date the dissolution was authoriz 4. zed: 5 Check th applicable statement: 5. he e The dissolutio has been authorized by the gover T on b rning body a members of the corporation. and s The dissolutio has been authorized by a vote of the membe of the cor T on b f ers rporation en ntitled to vote e fo the electio of membe of its gov or on ers verning body y. If there is no member entitled to vote thereon the disso f o e v n, olution of th corporation has been he n au uthorized at a meeting of the governi body, up the adoption of a reso f ing pon olution to dissolve by the e vote of a majo ority of mem mbers of its governing bo then in o g ody office. (SOS FOR 0007-07/12 RM 2) American LegalNet, Inc. 6. Names and addresses of its officers: NAME PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY ASST. SECRETARY TREASURER ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 7. Names and addresses of its directors: NAME DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE The certificate of dissolution must be signed by the president or vice president of said corporation and attested to by its secretary or assistant secretary. Signed this day of , by: Signature of President or Vice President Attested to by: Signature of Secretary or Assistant Secretary Printed Name Printed Name (SOS FORM 0007-07/12) American LegalNet, Inc.

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