National Archives And Records Administration Order For Copies Of | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Connecticut

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National Archives And Records Administration Order For Copies Of | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Connecticut

Last updated: 11/11/2011

National Archives And Records Administration Order For Copies Of

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National Archives Trust Fund Board NATF Form 90 (10-2010) OMB Control No. 3095-0063 Expires 01-31-2012 NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION (NARA) ORDER FOR COPIES OF BANKRUPTCY CASES Copy Packages Available Pre-Selected Documents (Individual only): Includes the following docum ents, to the extent that they are contained in the case file: Discharge of Debtor (or Order of Dism issal or Final Decree), Voluntary Petition, Summary of Debts and Property, Schedules D, E and F (Note in som e jurisdictions Schedules m ay be listed as A1, A2 and A3). No substitutions will be m ade for these docum ents. Entire Case File: Includes all docum ents in a Business and Individual case file. Docket Sheet: A list of docum ents filed in a Bankruptcy case; an outline of the case. * Certification: A seal certifying copies to be a valid reproduction of the file. This is available for an additional charge for all packages delivered by m ail or express shipping. Certification for fax copies is not available. General Information § Use a separate NATF Form 90 for each file you request. Blocks 3-7 m ust be com pleted on the order form to perform a search for the file. Please discard this instruction sheet. Allow 1-3 days from receipt of paym ent for processing your order. W hen paying by check or m oney order for m ailed or fax request, a separate paym ent is required for each individual request. If paying by credit card, you m ay fax your request form to the fax num ber provided in Block 1. § § Orders can be sent by overnight delivery (FedEx) at an additional charge. Orders can be faxed if the page count is 25 pages or less. All orders exceeding 25 pages will need to be m ailed. Request m ay be returned if the necessary inform ation is not supplied or if the credit card is declined. Case inform ation m ust be obtained from the Court in which the case was filed. Please note that contents of recent cases m ay be in both electronic and paper form . If NARA cannot provide you with docum ents you requested, we will refer you to the Court that adjudicated the case. § § Questions? Concerns? Contact our Research Room staff at 781-663-0378 or visit us at PR IVACY AC T STATEM EN T C ollection of this inform ation is authorized by 44 U .S.C. 2108. D isclosure of the inform ation is voluntary; however, we will be unable to respond to your request if you do not furnish your nam e and address and the m inim um required inform ation about the records. The inform ation is used by N AR A em ployees to search for the record; to respond to you; to m aintain control over inform ation requests received and answered; and to facilitate preparation of internal statistical reports. If you provide credit card inform ation, that inform ation is used to bill you for copies. PAPER W OR K R EDU C TIO N AC T PU BLIC BU R D EN STATEM EN T A Federal agency m ay not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of inform ation unless it displays a current valid O M B control num ber. The OM B C ontrol N o. for this inform ation collection is 3095-0063. Public burden reporting for this collection of inform ation is estim ated to be 10 m inutes per response. Send com m ents regarding the burden estim ate or any other aspect of the inform ation collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to N ational Archives and R ecords Adm inistration (N H P), 8601 Adelphi R oad, C ollege Park M D 20740. D O N O T SEN D C O M PLETED FO R M S TO TH IS AD D R ESS. SEN D C O M PLETED FO R M S TO TH E AD D R ESS INDIC ATED O N TH E FO R M ITSELF. American LegalNet, Inc. National Archives Trust Fund Board NATF Form 90 (10-2010) OMB Control No. 3095-0063 Expires 01-31-2012 NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION ORDER FOR COPIES OF BANKRUPTCY CASES 1. LOCATION NARA, Northeast Region -- Boston, Research Room , 380 Trapelo Road, W altham , MA 02452-6399 Fax: (781) 663-0155 Telephone: 781-663-0378 2. AREAS SERVED Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Ham pshire, Rhode Island, Verm ont 3. SELECT COPY PACKAGE (select only one) Copy Package Not Certified o Pre-Selected Docum ents -- $35.00 o Entire Case File -- $90.00 (150 page m axim um ) o Docket Sheet -- $35.00 Copy Package Certified (Certification for fax copies is not available) o Pre-Selected Docum ents Certified -- $50.00 o Entire Case File Certified -- $105.00 o Docket Sheet -- $50.00 4. CASE INFORMATION (obtain from the court in which the case was filed) C O U R T LO C A T IO N (city & state) D E B T O R N A M E (S ) CASE NUMBER T R A N S FE R N U M B E R BOX NUMBER LO C A T IO N N U M B E R 5. DELIVERY METHOD (select only one) o Fax - 25 page lim it o Mail o Overnight express (additional $25.00) or o Charge Fed Ex Account -# ______________________ or o Charge UPS Account -# ________________________ FAX COPIES TO: FA X N U M B E R 6. YOUR DELIVERY INFORMATION MAIL COPIES TO: NAME ADDRESS C IT Y S TA TE A N D ZIP D A YT IM E T E LE P H O N E N U M B E R A P T . # / S U IT E # A T T E N TIO N D A YT IM E T E LE P H O N E N U M B E R 7. YOUR PAYMENT INFORMATION Save C A R D T YP E tim e by ordering online: l Credit Card o VISA o MasterCard o Am erican Express o Discover E XP IR A T IO N D A T E Check or Money Order Make your check or m oney order payable to: National Archives Trust Fund (NATF) Mail your request with payment to the address shown in block 1 at the top of this page. ACCOUNT NUMBER NAME ON CARD S IG N A T U R E or T H R E E D IG IT S E C U R IT Y C O D E (on back of charge card). O rder can not be processed if one of these two item s is not provided. NARA USE ONLY SEARCHER DATE PAYM EN T: o Paid REMARKS o R eview ­ Date: Tim e: Check # ___________ American LegalNet, Inc.

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