Certificate Of Identical Documents {CO 6000-5} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Florida

 Florida   Statewide   Department Of Business And Professional Regulation   Division Of Condominiums Timeshares And Mobile Homes   Condominiums 
Certificate Of Identical Documents {CO 6000-5} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Florida

Last updated: 6/8/2010

Certificate Of Identical Documents {CO 6000-5}

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DBPR Form CO 6000-5 Effective: 12/23/02 CERTIFICATE OF IDENTICAL DOCUMENTS STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF _________________________________ Re: _______________________________________________ (Condominium) _______________________________________________ (Developer) I, ___________________________________ (developer or corporate officer of the developer, if a corporation, or general partner, if a partnership, or managing member or manager, if a limited liability company), do hereby certify, for use as evidence before the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes, or any Court of Law, that I am a developer of the ___________________________________ (Name of Condominium), _____________________________(Address), documents for which have previously been filed with the Division, that I have knowledge of the contents of said filing and that, except for the items listed on pages attached to this document, all items required by the Condominium Act to be filed with the Division are identical with those already on file for this condominium under identification number ______________________. I understand that , if needed, the Division may require that I submit a copy of the recorded documents. Dated this __________ day of ______________________, 20_________ ________________________________________ Signature of developer or corporate officer or general partner or managing member or manager, as appropriate Warning: Any false statement made herein may subject the person so certifying to prosecution under section 837.06, F.S. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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