Application For Attorneys Fees Costs And Or Interest {27} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Nevada

 Nevada   County   Clark   District Court   Arbitration 
Application For Attorneys Fees Costs And Or Interest {27} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Nevada

Last updated: 4/10/2024

Application For Attorneys Fees Costs And Or Interest {27}

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ARB FORM 27 -- APPLICATION FOR ATTORNEY FEES, COSTS AND/OR INTEREST. This form is used in the District Court of Clark County, Nevada, for submitting an Application for Attorney Fees, Costs, and/or Interest. The party, either plaintiff or defendant, through their attorney, moves the arbitrator for attorney fees, costs, and/or interest in accordance with NAR 17(b). The form includes a section for citing applicable cases, statutes, and rules, such as NRS 18.010, NRS 17, or NRCP 68, and also provides space for presenting points and authorities supporting the application for fees. Additionally, it requires a certificate of service, certifying that copies of the application were provided to the counsel of record and the arbitrator involved in the case. It notes that the application must be submitted to the arbitrator and served on the other parties within 7 days after service of the arbitration award on the applicant to avoid waiving any right to fees, costs, or interest.

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