Form 8 Protective Order In Procurement Protest Cases {8} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

 Official Federal Forms   US Court Of Federal Claims 
Form 8 Protective Order In Procurement Protest Cases {8} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 4/10/2023

Form 8 Protective Order In Procurement Protest Cases {8}

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FORM 8 PROTECTIVE ORDER IN PROCUREMENT PROTEST CASES United States Court of Federal Claims ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) _____________________________, Plaintiff, v. THE UNITED STATES, Defendant. No. _________ Judge___________________ _____________________________ PROTECTIVE ORDER _____________________________ The court finds that certain information likely to be disclosed orally or in writing during the course of this litigation may be competition-sensitive or otherwise protectable and that entry of a Protective Order is necessary to safeguard the confidentiality of that information. Accordingly, the parties shall comply with the terms and conditions of this Protective Order. I. 1. Protected Information Defined. "Protected information" as used in this order means information that must be protected to safeguard the competitive process, including source selection information, proprietary information, and confidential information contained in: (a) any document (e.g., a pleading, motion, brief, notice, or discovery request or response) produced, filed, or served by a party to this litigation; or (b) any deposition, sealed testimony or argument, declaration, or affidavit taken or provided during this litigation. Restrictions on the Use of Protected Information. Protected information may be used solely for the purposes of this litigation and may not be given, shown, made available, discussed, or otherwise conveyed in any form except as provided herein or as otherwise required by federal statutory law. 2. American LegalNet, Inc. II. 3. Individuals Permitted Access to Protected Information. Except as provided in paragraphs 7 and 8 below, the only individuals who may be given access to protected information are counsel for a party and independent consultants and experts assisting such counsel in connection with this litigation. Applying for Access to Protected Information. An individual seeking access to protected information pursuant to Appendix C, Section VI of this court's rules must read this Protective Order; must complete the appropriate application form (Form 9--"Application for Access to Information Under Protective Order by Outside or Inside Counsel," or Form 10--"Application for Access to Information Under Protective Order by Expert Consultant or Witness"); and must file the executed application with the court. Objecting to an Application for Admission. Any objection to an application for access must be filed with the court within two (2) business days of the objecting party's receipt of the application. Receiving Access to Protected Information. If no objections have been filed by the close of the second business day after the other parties have received the application, the applicant will be granted access to protected information without further action by the court. If any party files an objection to an application, access will only be granted by court order. Access to Protected Information by Court, Department of Justice, and Agency Personnel. Personnel of the court, the procuring agency, and the Department of Justice are automatically subject to the terms of this Protective Order and are entitled to access to protected information without further action. Access to Protected Information by Support Personnel. Paralegal, clerical, and administrative support personnel assisting any counsel who has been admitted under this Protective Order may be given access to protected information by such counsel if those personnel have first been informed by counsel of the obligations imposed by this Protective Order. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. III. 9. Identifying Protected Information. Protected information may be provided only to the court and to individuals admitted under this Protective Order and must be identified as follows: (a) if provided in electronic form, the subject line of the electronic transmission shall read "CONTAINS PROTECTED INFORMATION"; or (b) if provided in paper form, the document must be sealed in a parcel containing the legend "PROTECTED INFORMATION ENCLOSED" conspicuously marked on the outside. The first page of each document containing protected information, including courtesy copies for use by the judge, must contain a banner stating "Protected Information to Be Disclosed Only in Accordance With the U.S. Court of Federal Claims Protective Order" and the portions of any document containing protected information must be clearly identified. 10. Filing Protected Information. Pursuant to this order, a document containing protected information may be filed electronically under the court's electronic case filing system using the appropriate activity listed American LegalNet, Inc. in the "SEALED" documents menu. If filed in paper form, a document containing protected information must be sealed in the manner prescribed in paragraph 9(b) and must include as an attachment to the front of the parcel a copy of the certificate of service identifying the document being filed. 11. Protecting Documents Not Previously Sealed. If a party determines that a previously produced or filed document contains protected information, the party may give notice in writing to the court and the other parties that the document is to be treated as protected, and thereafter the designated document must be treated in accordance with this Protective Order. IV. 12. Redacting Protected Documents For the Public Record. (a) Initial Redactions. After filing a document containing protected information in accordance with paragraph 10, or after later sealing a document pursuant to paragraph 11, a party must promptly serve on the other parties a proposed redacted version marked "Proposed Redacted Version" in the upper right-hand corner of the first page with the claimed protected information deleted. (b) Additional Redactions. If a party seeks to include additional redactions, it must advise the filing party of its proposed redactions within two (2) business days after receipt of the proposed redacted version, or such other time as agreed upon by the parties. The filing party must then provide the other parties with a second redacted version of the document clearly marked "Agreed-Upon Redacted Version" in the upper right-hand corner of the page with the additional information deleted. (c) Final Version. At the expiration of the period noted in (b) above, or after an agreement between the parties has been reached regarding additional redactions, the filing party must file with the c

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