Parental Consent To Adoption (In California) (Health And Human Services Agency) {AD 1A} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

 California   Statewide   Department Of Social Services 
Parental Consent To Adoption (In California) (Health And Human Services Agency) {AD 1A} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 2/15/2023

Parental Consent To Adoption (In California) (Health And Human Services Agency) {AD 1A}

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AD 1A, PARENTAL CONSENT TO ADOPTION (In or Out-of-California), I understand that I may revoke this consent ONLY DURING THE THIRTY (30) DAY PERIOD beginning on the date I sign this consent and ONLY IF I HAVE NOT WAIVED MY RIGHT TO REVOKE THE CONSENT. I further understand that with the signing of the order of adoption by the court I shall give up all rights of custody, services, and earnings of said child and I may not reclaim said child.

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