Motion For Case-Specific Management Pursuant To Superior Court Rule 20 | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Massachusetts

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Motion For Case-Specific Management Pursuant To Superior Court Rule 20 | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Massachusetts

Last updated: 10/5/2023

Motion For Case-Specific Management Pursuant To Superior Court Rule 20

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DOCKET NUMBERCASE NAME:MOTION FOR CASE-SPECIFIC MANAGEMENT PURSUANT TO SUPERIOR COURT RULE 20 Trial Court of MassachusettsThe Superior CourtAOSC 01/09/2019Date/Time Printed: 01-09-2019 11:25:12 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 225This form is only for parties proposing or stipulating to a deviation from the standard rules governing this case. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO MAKE ANY PROPOSAL, THEN YOU DO NOT NEED TO FILL OUT THIS FORM. 225YOU DO NOT NEED TO FILL IN ANY BLANKS UNLESS YOU WANT TO (except for case name, docket number and item (a) below). If you leave an item blank, then the usual court rules, orders, directives and policies will apply. 225Unless ALL parties agree, this document must be served upon all parties pursuant to Superior Court Rule 9A. 225If all parties agree to SOME items, but not others, then please submit TWO separate motions - one for all agreed-upon matters, and another for contested (or unagreed) matters. THE FOLLOWING PARTY(IES) ONLY: ALL PARTIES YES IN-COURT CONFERENCE onIf YES: NO c. JUDICIAL ASSESSMENT Do you request a conference for the purpose of obtaining the session judge's non-binding assessment of this case? If YES: ON IF YOU ARE REPRESENTING YOURSELF: Please be aware that some parts of this form involve giving up rights that may (or may not) be important for your protection. You may wish to learn more about these rights by, for instance, consulting an attorney or visiting the court's self- help website: a. (Required) This document is submitted by: b. EARLY COURT CONFERENCE - SCHEDULINGDo you request a scheduling or case management conference with the Court at this time?COURT NAME & ADDRESSCountyClerk of Courts PHONE CONFERENCE on(proposed dates) at(proposed dates) at(2 or 3 PM)(2 or 3 PM)(proposed dates) at(2 or 3 PM) YES NO d. IMMEDIATE SCHEDULING OF A PROMPT AND FIRM, TRIAL DATE?Do you want the Court to schedule a trial date at this time? YES NO NOT AT THIS TIME PROPOSED TRIAL DATED(S):Do you propose a specific Trial Date or Range of Trial Dates?If proposing a date, please predict the number of trial days (9 AM to 1PM):The Court will make every effort to accommodate an agreed-upon proposed trial date. American LegalNet, Inc. DOCKET NUMBERMOTION FOR CASE-SPECIFIC MANAGEMENT PURSUANT TO SUPERIOR COURT RULE 20 Trial Court of MassachusettsThe Superior Court e. CHANGES TO STANDARD PRETRIAL DEADLINES? Do you want changes in the deadlines for pretrial events (these cannot be longer than the standard tracking order for this case. See Superior Court Standing Order 1-88) or waiver of certain motions?COURT RULING APPROVED IN FULL and SO ORDERED. DENIED APPROVED IN PART AND DENIED IN PART AS FOLLOWS: So ORDERED:EACH OF THE PARTIES WHO SIGNS (BELOW) MOVES THAT THE COURT APPROVE THE ABOVE REQUESTS AND ENTER AN ORDER ACCORDINGLY. Shorter Deadlines (please specify)Event Waived Entirely(if shorter deadlines, enter below) Summary JudgmentIf agreed, or approved by the court, this request will reassign this case to an Individual Track for purposes of Standing Order 1-88, instead of the track originally assigned to this case.f. OTHER PROPOSALS FOR DISCOVERY, MOTIONS, TRIAL OR POST-TRIAL? (For examples, see Superior Court Rule 20(f) - (k)) 1. Limits on discovery? 2. Limits on motions/in-court appearances? 3. Varying the format for jury or bench trial? 4. Limiting Post-Trial Motions or Appeals? 5. Other? If you have any 223YES224 answers, please explain what you propose (court approval of the proposal(s) may be required): YESIf YES - We/I propose the following: NODATE: Party/Attorney for: Party/Attorney for: Party/Attorney for: Party/Attorney for: Rule 12, 15, 19 Motions Discovery Yes No Yes No Summary Judgment Served Summary Judgment Filed Yes No Final Pretrial Conference No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No YesN/AN/AN/A(Associate Justice) American LegalNet, Inc.

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