602. Success Not Required | Pdf Docx | Jury Instructions

 California Jury Instructions   06 Professional Negligence 
602. Success Not Required | Pdf Docx | Jury Instructions

Last updated: 7/2/2021

602. Success Not Required

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602. Success Not Required Instruction No 1 Request by Plaintiff Request by Defendant Requested by Given as Proposed Given as Modified Given on Court?s Motion Refused Withdrawn Judge Instruction No 1 [A/An] [insert type of professional] is not necessarily negligent just because [his/her] efforts are unsuccessful or [he/she] makes an error that was reasonable under the circumstances. [A/An] [insert type of professional] is negligent only if [he/she] was not as skillful, knowledgeable, or careful as another [insert type of professional] would have been in similar circumstances. New September 2003; Revised December 2007

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