Summons {MC 256} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

 Michigan   Statewide   Criminal   Felony 
Summons {MC 256} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 8/10/2021

Summons {MC 256}

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en-USTHE PEOPLE OF en-USDefendant222s name and address þ The State of Michigan þ en-US þ v en-USVictim or complainanten-USComplaining witnessen-USCodefendant(s) (if known)en-USDate: On or abouten-USCity/Twp./Village County in Michiganen-USDefendant CTNen-USDefendant SIDen-USDefendant DOBen-USPolice agency report no.en-USChargeen-USMaximum penaltyen-USWitnessesen-USDefendant DLNen-USSTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF en-US en-US .en-USThe complaining witness has filed a sworn complaint in this court stating that on the date and the location described, the en-USdefendant, contrary to law, IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE OF þ THE STATE OF MICHIGAN þ en-US en-US þ en-USTAKE NOTICE:en-US en-USYOU ARE SUMMONED TO APPEAR en-USfor arraignment on en-USDay and date þ þ at þ en-USTime , at þ the address above þ en-US en-USLocation , Michigan, þ þ en-USbefore the presiding judge. If you fail to appear, a warrant will be issued for your arrest upon the prosecutor's request. en-USThis summons expires on the date of hearing. If you require special accommodations to use the court because of a disability en-USor if you require a foreign language interpreter to help you fully participate in court proceedings, please contact the court en-USimmediately to make arrangements. en-USRequested on en-USDateen-US by: en-USProsecuting official en-USDate þ Judge/Magistrate þ Bar no. American LegalNet, Inc. en-USSUMMONS, Criminalen-USCase No. en-USPROOF OF SERVICE þ en-USOFFICER CERTIFICATEen-USI certify that I am a sheriff, deputy sheriff, bailiff, appointeden-UScourt officer, or attorney for a party [MCR 2.104(A)(2)], and that: þ en-US(notary not required)en-USOR þ en-USAFFIDAVIT OF PROCESS SERVERen-USBeing first duly sworn, I state that I am a legally competenten-USadult who is not a party or an officer of a corporate party, and that: þ en-US(notary required) þ I served personally a copy of the summons, þ I served by registered or certified mail (copy of return receipt attached) a copy of the summons, þ together with en-USAttachmenten-US, on: en-USDefendant222s nameen-USComplete address(es) of serviceen-USDay, date, time þ I have personally attempted to serve the summons, together with en-USAttachment þ en-US en-US on en-USName þ at en-USAddressen-US and have been unable to complete service.en-USI declare that the statements above are true to the best of my information, knowledge, and belief. en-USService feeen-US$en-USMiles traveleden-USFeeen-USSignatureen-US$en-USIncorrect address feeen-US$en-USMiles traveleden-USFeeen-USTOTAL FEEen-US$en-USName (type or print)en-US$en-USTitleen-US en-USSubscribed and sworn to before me on en-USDateen-US , en-US en-US County, Michigan.en-USMy commission expires: en-USDateen-US Signature: en-USDeputy court clerk/Notary publicen-USNotary public, State of Michigan, County of en-US en-US en-USI acknowledge that I have received service of the summons, together with en-USAttachment en-US en-US on en-USDay, date, time en-USSignatureen-US on behalf of en-US en-US .en-USMCR 2.105en-USCERTIFICATE/AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE/NONSERVICE en-USACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE American LegalNet, Inc.

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