Order Regarding Revocation Of Juvenile Guardianship {JC 101} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Order Regarding Revocation Of Juvenile Guardianship {JC 101} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 7/23/2021

Order Regarding Revocation Of Juvenile Guardianship {JC 101}

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Approved, SCAO JIS CODE: ORV STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT - FAMILY DIVISION CASE NO. ORDER REGARDING REVOCATION OF JUVENILE GUARDIANSHIP Court telephone no. COUNTY Court address 1. In the matter of 2. Date of hearing: name, alias(es), DOB Judge/Referee: Bar no. 3. Notice of hearing was served as required by law. 4. Removal date: THE COURT FINDS: 5. (Under MCR 3.963.) (Complete items 6 and 7 if the child is being removed at this hearing.) a. A petiton to revoke the juvenile guardianship was filed and by a preponderance of the evidence, continuing the juvenile guardianship is is not in the child's best interests. b. A petition to terminate the appointment of the juvenile guardian was filed and it is is not in the child's best interests to terminate the appointment. There is no proposed successor guardian. 6. It is contrary to the welfare of the child to remain in the juvenile guardian's home because: 7. a. Reasonable efforts to prevent removal of the child from the home were not made. b. Reasonable efforts were made to prevent removal of the child from the home. Those efforts include: (specify) IT IS ORDERED: 8. The juvenile guardianship is continued. 9. The juvenile guardianship is revoked and jurisdiction over the child pursuant to MCL 712A.2(b) is reinstated under the previous child protective proceeding, case number . a. The child 1) is in the temporary custody of this court and is placed under the care and supervision of the department. 2) is committed to the department for permanency planning, supervision, care, and placement under MCL 400.203. b. The department shall prepare an updated case service plan and file it with the court no later than 7 days before the next dispositional/post-termination review hearing. c. A dispositional/post-termination review hearing shall be held . (Within 42 days of revocation.) 10. Name of juvenile guardian is is not discharged. Recommended by: Referee signature Date Date Judge NOTE: This form is always used in conjunction with JC 99. It is also used in conjunction with JC 98 when there is no proposed successor juvenile guardian. Do not write below this line - For court use only Reference Note: The term "department" refers to the Department of Health and Human Services. JC 101 (9/15) ORDER REGARDING REVOCATION OF JUVENILE GUARDIANSHIP American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com MCR 3.979(F)

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