Notice Of Intent To Forfeit Vehicle {MC 64} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Notice Of Intent To Forfeit Vehicle {MC 64} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 7/19/2021

Notice Of Intent To Forfeit Vehicle {MC 64}

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Original - Court 2nd copy - Defendant Approved, SCAO 1st copy - Prosecuting official 3rd copy - Defendant attorney STATE OF MICHIGAN CASE NO. JUDICIAL DISTRICT NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORFEIT VEHICLE JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY ORI Court address Court telephone no.MI- The State of Michigan Defendants name, address, and telephone no. THE PEOPLE OF v CTN SID DOBYOU ARE NOTIFIED: 1. The following vehicle: Year Make Model License plate no. Vehicle identification no. has been or will be seized by court order and is subject to forfeiture or return to the lessor for the following reasons: . 2. The court intends to consider imposing this sanction under the authority of MCL 257.625n. 3. Within 3 days after this notice, the prosecuting attorney shall give notice to all owners of this vehicle and any person holding a security interest in the vehicle that the court may require: forfeiture of the vehicle if the defendant owns the vehicle in whole or part. return of the vehicle to the lessor if the defendant leases the vehicle. 4. Within 14 days after the prosecuting attorney gives notice, an owner, lessee, or holder of a security interest may file a claim of interest in the vehicle. Within 21 days after this notice is given, but before sentencing, the court will hold a hearing to determine the legitimacy of any claim, the extent of any co-owenrs equity interest, and the liability of the defendant to any co-lessee.5. If the vehicle is forfeited, the unit of government that seized the vehicle shall sell the vehicle and dispose of the proceeds as indicated by law. Date Signature MC 64 (11/97) NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORFEIT VEHICLE MCL 257.625n(4); MSA

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