Judgment Of Dissolution Of Marriage-Civil Union (Divorce With Children) {DV-J 106.1} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Illinois

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Judgment Of Dissolution Of Marriage-Civil Union (Divorce With Children) {DV-J 106.1} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Illinois

Last updated: 7/16/2018

Judgment Of Dissolution Of Marriage-Civil Union (Divorce With Children) {DV-J 106.1}

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This form is approved by the Illinois Supreme Court and is required to be accepted in all Illinois Circuit Courts. DV - J 106.1 Page 1 of 6 (0 4 /1 8 ) STATE OF ILLINOIS , JUDGMENT OF DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE / CIVIL UNION (DIVORCE WITH CHILDREN) For Court Use Only CIRCUIT COURT COUNTY Instructions Directly above, enter the county where you filed this case. Enter the full name of Petitioner, Respondent, and the case number as listed on the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union (Divorce with Children). P etitioner ( First, middle, last name ) v. Respondent ( First, middle, last name ) Case Number DO NOT complete this section. A court date was held on the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union (Divorce with Children) filed by the Petitioner. The court heard the testimony of Petitioner Respondent and considered all of the evidence and relevant parts of the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (750 ILCS 5/101 et seq ). The Court makes the following findings of fact: DO NOT complete 1a and 1b. 1. Present in Court : a. Petitioner present : Yes No DO NOT complete 2a, 2b, or 2d. represented by Lawyer : b. Respondent present : Yes No In 2c, check the box that applies to the Respondent. If represented by Lawyer : 2. Jurisdiction : a. This court has jurisdiction of the subject matter and Petitioner Respondent b. Respondent is in default: Yes No c. Respondent is currently on active duty as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States of America: Yes No Unknown In 3a, check the box that applies to you. d. This Court has jurisdiction under the Uniform Child - Custody Jurisdiction and and Enforcement Act : Yes 000F No In 3b, check the box that applies to the Respondent. 3. Residency Requirement : a . Petitioner has been living in Illinois at least 90 days immediately before the filing of In 4, check whether it is a marriage or civil the Petition or immediately before the time of this hearing: Yes No In 4a, enter the date you were married/united. b. Respondent has been living in Illinois at least 90 days immediately before the filing of the Petition or immediately before the time of this hearing: Yes 000F No In 4b, enter the place the marriage/civil union took place. 4 . Information about the Marriage Civil Union : a. Parties were married/ united on: If this is an agreement, enter initials on each page. Date b.Parties were married/united in: County State Country Petitioner's initials: Respondent's initials: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Enter the Case Number given by the Circuit Clerk: DV - J 106.1 Page 2 of 6 (0 4 /1 8 ) 5 . Grounds for Dissolution : Irreconcilable differences have caused the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage or civil union and efforts at reconciliation have failed or future attempts at reconciliation would be impracticable and not in the best interests of the family. In 6a, part one, check 223Yes224 if you are pregnant. 6 . Children of the Marriage/Civil Union : a. Petitioner is pregnant : In 6a, part two, check 223Yes224 if the child is Respondent222s. Yes No The unborn child is Respondent222s: Yes No Unknown In 6b, part one, check 223Yes224 if the Responde nt is b. Respondent is pregnant: Yes No Unknown In 6b, part two, check 223Yes224 if the child is yours. The unborn child is Petitioner222s: Yes No Unknown c . The minor children ( under the age of 18 ) born to or adopted together by the parties before In 6c, check 223None224 if or during the marriage/civil union are: None Name Date of Birth 1. 2. 3. I have listed additional minor children on the attached Additional Minor Children form. In 6d, check 223None224 if you have no children with the Respondent who are 18 or older. Otherwise, list the names and birthdates of the children and select 223Yes224 or 223No224 for whether each child is disabled or enrolled in school. d. The adult children (age 18 or older) born to or adopted together by the parties before or during the marriage/civil union are: None Name Age Disabled In School 1. Yes No Yes No 2. Yes No Yes No 3. Yes No Yes No I have listed additional adult children on the attached Additional Adult Children form. In 6e, check 223None224 if the only children you had during the marriage/civil union are listed in 7c and 7d. If you or the Respondent separately had or adopted other children during the marriage/civil union, list their names and birthdates here. e . The other children born to or adopted by either Plaintiff or Respondent, but not both , this marriage/civil union are: None Name Date of Birth Born To or Adopted By 1. Petitioner Respondent 2. Petitioner Respondent 3. Petitioner Respondent I have listed additional children on the attached Additional Other Children form. DO NOT complete 7. 7 . Allocation of Parental Responsibility : a. No minor children. b. It is in the best interests of the minor children that the Parenting Plan of Petitioner Respondent Both Parties ( a greement) be approved by the c ourt . c. It is in the best interests of the minor children that the court enter its own Parenting Petitioner's initials: Plan . Respondent's initials: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Enter the Case Number given by the Circuit Clerk: DV - J 106.1 Page 3 of 6 (0 4 /1 8 ) Complete sections 8a, 8b and 8c if you and your spouse have an agreement, otherwise, DO NOT complete these sections. 8 . Real Estate : a. Parties have an interest in real estate, which is an asset of the marriage/civil union: Yes No b. The address of the real estate is: In 8d, check "Yes" if either of you owned real estate before you were married/united. Complete and attach the Non-Marital Real Estate form. Street , Apt # City State ZIP Complete sections 9a, 9b, and 9c if you and your spouse have an agreement, otherwise, DO NOT complete these sections. 9 . Maintenance (also known as alimony) : a. These parties have waived the right to maintenance: Petitioner Respondent Neither party b. This party is entitled to maintenance: Petitioner Respondent Neither party Other: c. The amount awarded is $ based on guidelines; OR 000F deviation from guidelines based upon these findings: THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED AS FOLLOWS: A. The parties are awarded a Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union and the bonds of matrimony/civil union existing between Petitioner and Respondent are hereby dissolved. If you and your spouse have an agreement, check the first box and the box for 223Both Parties224, otherwise, DO NOT complete B. B. Allocation of Parental Responsibility : 1. That the Parenting Plan of the following party is approved and made a part of this court order: Petitioner Respondent Both Parties ( a greement) 2. That the Court has entered its own Parenting Plan , which is made a part of this order. . Other orders: C . Support for Minor Children : 1. A n Order for Support shall be entered. If you have a Support Order in another case enter the information in C2. 2. Court case number located in: County State 3 . (no child support is ordered at this time) . If you and your spouse have an agreement, complete D, otherwise, DO NOT complete D. D. Claiming Children as Dependants on State and Federal Tax Returns : 1. The right to claim children as dependants on state and federal tax returns belongs to: Petitioner 000F Respondent for even - numbered tax years 000F Petitioner 000F Respondent for odd - numbered tax years Petitioner's initials: 000F Each party shall have the right to claim one - half of the children each tax year. If there Respondent's initials: is an odd - number of children, Petitioner shall claim the additional child in American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com A legal description of the real estate is attached to this Judgment: Yes NoPetitioner or Respondent has an interest in non-marital real estate: Yes No The non- real estate is listed on the attached Non-Marital Real Estate form. Enter the Case Number given by the Circuit Clerk: DV - J 106.1 Page 4 of 6 (0 4 /1 8 ) even odd - numbered years and Respondent shall claim the additional child in even odd - numbered years. 2. This order does not address the right to claim the children as household residents for the pur

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