Petition For Dissolution Of Marriage With Children {Form 201} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Iowa

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Petition For Dissolution Of Marriage With Children {Form 201} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Iowa

Last updated: 1/5/2017

Petition For Dissolution Of Marriage With Children {Form 201}

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Rule 17.200--Form 201: Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with Children Read the Guide to Representing Yourself in an Iowa Divorce Case with Children on the Iowa Judicial Branch website before using this form. Petitioner: Use this form only if your spouse lives in Iowa or you have lived in Iowa for the last year before you file the Petition, and one or more of the following are true: There are children under age 18 who are children of both Petitioner and Respondent. There are children under age 18 who were born or adopted during this marriage. There are children over age 18 who still need support. A spouse is pregnant. Do not use this form if all of these are true (instead, use form 101): You and your spouse do not have children under age 18. You and your spouse do not have children age 18 or over who still need support. A spouse is not pregnant. If filing electronically, you must provide any protected information in full on form 211. If filing in paper, you may use form 211 to provide any protected information in full. If you do not understand how to use this form, or if you should use this form, talk to an attorney. In the Iowa District Court for County where you are filing this Petition County In Re the Marriage of: Your current legal name Your spouse's current legal name Upon the Petition of For clerk's use only Petitioner Full name: first, middle, last The spouse who files the Petition and concerning Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with Children Respondent The other spouse Full name: first, middle, last 1. Personal Information Fill in all information that you know. If you have been assaulted by your spouse and you fear for your safety, you may leave your street address, phone number, and email blank. A. Petitioner's (your) birth year and present residence: Birth year Petitioner's present street address County City State ZIP code ( ) Email address Phone number Continued on next page If you need assistance to participate in court due to a disability, contact the disability coordinator at: (_______) __________________ Persons who are hearing or speech impaired may call Relay Iowa TTY (1-800-735-2942). Disability coordinators cannot provide legal advice. Disability coordinator contact information available at: . December 2013 Rule 17.200--Form 201 Page 1 of 7 American LegalNet, Inc. Rule 17.200--Form 201: Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with Children, continued B. Respondent's (your spouse's) birth year and present residence: Birth year Respondent's present street address County City State ZIP code ( ) Email address Phone number C. Other person, if any, who has visitation or custody rights of the parties' children: Fill in as much information as you know. Full name: first, middle, last Present street address County City State ZIP code ( ) Email address Phone number 2. General Information About the Marriage and the Parties A. Date and location of the marriage , Month Day Year City State B. Children Check all that are true (1) (2) There are children under age 18 who are children of both Petitioner and Respondent. There are children under age 18 who were adopted or born during this marriage. This includes any child born to a spouse during the marriage, but for whom the other spouse is not a parent. There are children 18 years or older who still need support. Petitioner or Respondent is pregnant. (3) (4) C. Identification of children First, middle, & last initials of each child (1) (2) (3) Birth year First, middle, & last initials of each child (4) (5) (6) Birth year Check this box if you have attached a separate sheet listing additional children. D. Children's living arrangements Places where the children have lived during the last five years and the parent(s) or adult(s) who acted as parent(s): Fill in as much information as you know. (1) Children: Initials December 2013 Initials Initials Rule 17.200--Form 201 Initials Initials Page 2 of 7 American LegalNet, Inc. Rule 17.200--Form 201: Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with Children, continued Lived with Adult name At City (2) Children: Initials Lived with Adult name At City (3) Children: Initials Lived with Adult name At City (4) Children: Initials Lived with Adult name At City (5) Children: Initials Lived with Adult name At City State Initials State Initials State Initials State Initials State from mm / dd / yyyy to mm / dd / yyyy Initials from mm Initials / dd / yyyy to Initials / dd / yyyy mm Initials from mm Initials / dd / yyyy to Initials / dd / yyyy mm Initials from mm Initials / dd / yyyy to Initials / dd / yyyy mm Initials from mm Initials / dd / yyyy to Initials / dd / yyyy mm Check this box if you have attached a separate sheet listing additional children. If the children have been in Iowa for less than six months, you may be able to get a divorce, but you might not be able to get custody. The rules are complicated and you may need to talk to an attorney. E. Petitioner's residence You cannot get a divorce in Iowa if your spouse does not live in Iowa and you have lived in Iowa for less than one year, or if you came to live in Iowa just to get a divorce. If you do not live in Iowa, you can only get a divorce in Iowa if your spouse lives in Iowa. If you have questions about this, talk to an attorney. (1) The only reason that Petitioner (you are Petitioner) is living in Iowa is just to get a divorce. True False If you do not live in Iowa, or if you live in Iowa for reasons other than just to get a divorce, check "False." December 2013 Rule 17.200--Form 201 Page 3 of 7 American LegalNet, Inc. Rule 17.200--Form 201: Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with Children, continued (2) Petitioner has lived in Iowa for the last in county. years and months · If you have always lived in Iowa, count the time since your birth. · If you have been a resident of another state, count the time since you last moved to Iowa. F. Parties' residence If your spouse does not live in Iowa, you must have lived in Iowa for the last year before you may obtain a divorce in Iowa. Check each that is true (1) (2) Petitioner has lived in Iowa for more than one year. Respondent (your spouse) is a resident of Iowa. G. Condition of the marriage Check all that are true (1) (2) (3) (4) The marriage is broken and cannot be saved. This is the only divorce case going on involving this marriage. If you did not check

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