Request For Copy Of Juvenile Case File-Document {VN249} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

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Request For Copy Of Juvenile Case File-Document {VN249} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 1/26/2016

Request For Copy Of Juvenile Case File-Document {VN249}

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VN249 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name and Address) Telephone Number FOR COURT USE ONLY ATTORNEY FOR (Name): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF VENTURA JUVENILE COURTHOUSE 4353 VINEYARD AVE, OXNARD, CA. 93036 IN THE MATTER OF: _____________________________________________ (Name of Child) CASE NUMBER: REQUEST FOR COPY OF JUVENILE CASE FILE / DOCUMENT [CRC Rule 5.552(b)(1)] I (Your name) ____________________________________________________________, am the (provide a photo identification and proof, where necessary, of the following): Child who is the subject of this proceeding Attorney of record for the child Mother Attorney of record for the mother Presumed father Attorney of record for presumed father Biological father receiving services Attorney of record for biological father receiving services Representative from the local Child Support Agency Deputy County Counsel Child's Guardian(s) Member of a Child Protective Agency/Multidisciplinary Team District attorney, a city attorney, or a city prosecutor authorized to prosecute criminal or juvenile cases under the law; Appellate attorney of record for ________________________ (indicate whether child, mother or father) Superintendent or Designee of the School District child attends Probation or Law Enforcement Officer participating in a juvenile matter concerning this child Child's indentified Indian tribe Social Worker Special Investigator with the State Dept. of Social Services Court appointed investigator participating on a Guardianship case My address and phone number are the same as shown above. My address and phone number are as follows: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ I request a copy of the following documents filed in the above-captioned case under Rule 5.552(b)(1) of the California Rules of Court. The case is still pending, and the requested document(s) was/were given out before the date of this request. Entire file Other (explain): Date: (Signature) Investigation reports Pleadings Optional Form VN249 (New 01/16) REQUEST FOR COPY OF JUVENILE CASE FILE / DOCUMENT [CRC Rule 5.552(b)(1)] Page 1 of 1 American LegalNet, Inc.

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