Notice From Landlord To Tenant Notice Of Noncompliance For Matters Other Than Failure To Pay Rent [Sample And Form] | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Florida

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Notice From Landlord To Tenant Notice Of Noncompliance For Matters Other Than Failure To Pay Rent [Sample And Form] | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Florida

Last updated: 5/1/2015

Notice From Landlord To Tenant Notice Of Noncompliance For Matters Other Than Failure To Pay Rent [Sample And Form]

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FORM 2 NOTICE FROM LANDLORD TO TENANT NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE FOR MATTERS OTHER THAN FAILURE TO PAY RENT INSTRUCTIONS Violations of a ren tal agreement which may entitle the Landlord to send this Notice include, the material failure of Tenant to comply with its statutory obligations to maintain the dwelling unit under Florida Statute 83.52 or material provisions of th e rental agreement (other than the failure to pay rent), or reasonable rules and regulations. F or the notice necessary to term inate the re ntal a greement under circ umstances where t he Tenant m ust be given the opportunity to remedy the violation, see Florida Statutes 83.56(2)(b). Under some situations, such as the Tenant's intentional destruction of property of the Landlord or other Tenants, the Landlord m ay be ab le to termin ate th e ren tal ag reement without g iving th e Ten ant an o pportunity t o rem edy th e violation. For the notice necessary to terminate the rental agreement under these circumstances, see Florida Statute 83.56(2)(a). The delivery of this written notice may be by mailing or delivering a true copy to the dwelling unit, or, if the Tenant is absent from the dwelling unit, by leaving a copy of the notice at the dwelling unit. This written notice must be delivered, and the seven day time period must run, prior to any termination of the rental agreement or any lawsuit for eviction. SOURCE: Sections 83.52 and 83.56 Florida Statutes (2007). FORM NO TES A RE FOR I NFORMATIONAL PURPO SES ONLY AND MA Y NOT CO MPLETELY DESCRIBE REQUIREMENTS O F FL ORIDA L AW. YOU S HOULD CO NSULT A N AT TORNEY A S NEEDED. American LegalNet, Inc. NOT To: Tena Address ICE FROM LANDLORD TO TENANT NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE FOR MATTERS OTHER THAN FAILURE TO PAY RENT nt's Name City, State, Zip Code From: Date: You a re hereby n otified t hat y ou a re not c omplying with yo ur rental ag reement in th at ______________________________________ [ insert noncompliance, def ault or violation]. Demand is hereby made that you rem edy the nonc ompliance, default or violation within s even days of r eceipt of this notice or your rental agreement shall be deemed terminated and you shall vacate the premises upon such termination. If this sam e conduct or con duct of a similar n ature is rep eated with in twelv e m onths, you r ten ancy is subj ect to term ination without your being given an opportunity to cure the noncompliance, default or violation. _ A _____________________________________ Landlord's Name _______________________ ddress _______________________________ ______________________________________ Phone Number _________________________ Approved for use under rule 10-2.1(a) of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar The Florida Bar 2010 This form was completed with the assistance of: Name: Address: Telephone Number: American LegalNet, Inc. NOT To: Tena Address ICE FROM LANDLORD TO TENANT NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE FOR MATTERS OTHER THAN FAILURE TO PAY RENT nt's Name City, State, Zip Code From: Date: You a re hereby n otified t hat y ou a re not c omplying with yo ur rental ag reement in th at _____________________________________. Demand is hereby made that you remedy the noncompliance, default or violation within seven days of receipt of this notice or your rental agreement shall be deemed terminated and you shall vacate the premises upon such termination. If this same conduct or conduct of a similar nature is repeated within twelve months, your tenancy is subject to termination without your being given an opportunity to cure the noncompliance, default or violation. _ A _____________________________________ Landlord's Name _______________________ ddress _______________________________ ______________________________________ Phone Number _________________________ Approved for use under rule 10-2.1(a) of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar The Florida Bar 2010 This form was completed with the assistance of: Name: Address: Telephone Number: American LegalNet, Inc.

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