Last updated: 7/13/2018
Articles Of Incorporation (Domestic Non-Profit Non-Stock) {395}
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STATE OF LOUISIANAPARISH OF1.The name of this corporation is:2.This corporation is formed for the purpose of : (check one)( ) Engaging in any lawful activity for which corporations may be formed under Chapter 2, Title 12, of the L Revised Statutes (Non-Profit Corporation Law) ( )(Use for limiting corporation activity)3.The duration of this corporation is: (may be perpetual)4.This corporation is a nonprofit corporation.5.The location and municipal address (not a P.O. Box only) of this corporation222s registered office is:6.The full name and municipal address (not a P.O. Box only) of each of this corporation222s registeredagent(s) is/are:7.The full name and address of each incorporator of this corporation is:8.The corporation222s initial board of directors, municipal addresses (not a P.O. Box only) and term of officeare:Name(s)/Address(es)Term of Office9.This corporation is to be organized on a non-stock basis.10.Other Provisions:Page 1 of 2 SS395A Rev. 0 Secretary of State ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION (R.S. 12:203) Return to: Commercial Division Domestic Non-Profit Corporation Non-Stock Corporations Only Enclose $75filing fee Make remittance payable to Secretary of State P.O. Box 94125Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9125(225) 925-4704www.sos.la.gov Do not send cash American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Incorporator(s) Signature(s):On this day of , 20, before me, personallyappeared, to me known to be the persondescribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed itas his free act and deed. NotaryAGENT222S AFFIDAVIT AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ACCEPTANCEI hereby acknowledge and accept the appointment of registered agent for and on behalf of the abovenamed corporation.Registered agent(s) signature(s):Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 20. Notary SignaturePage 2 of 2 SS395B Rev. 0 (See instructions on back) NOTARY NAME MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED WITH NOTARY # American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com INSTRUCTIONSNOTE: A corporation is a complex form of business structure. This form contains only the minimum provisions required by law to be set forth in Articles of Incorporation. Additional provisions may be advisable or necessary, depending on the specific needs of each corporationThose corporations intending to apply for a tax exempt status with the Internal Revenue Service may be required to add information not included on this form. Please call the Internal Revenue Service at (800) 829-4933 for information to obtain a corporation222s federal tax identification number. Consideration should be given to the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating, and the legal and tax consequences. Youare strongly advised to seek legal advice from an attorney and tax and other business advice from an accountant. File the Articles of Incorporation, along with an affidavit of registered agent, and therequisite $75 filing fee with the ecretary of tate.The Articles of Incorporation may be delivered to the ecretary of tate in advance, forfiling as of any specified date (and any given time on such date) within days afterthe time of delivery. Requests should be made in writing and must be submitted alongwith the Articles of Incorporation.Upon filing with our office, you will receive a certified copy of the Articles and aCertificate of Incorporation. Within 30days after filing the Articles ofIncorporation with the Secretary of State222s ffice, a copy of the Articles of Incorporationcertified by the ecretary of tate and a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation must befiled with the office of the recorder of mortgages in the parish where the corporation222sregistered office is located.If the Articles of Incorporation are filed within five working days (exclusive of legalholidays) after , the corporate existence shall begin as of the time ofsuch . Rev. 0 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com