Last updated: 8/3/2016
Judgment Of Possession After Land Contract Forfeiture {DC 106}
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Approved, SCAO Original - Court 1st copy - Defendant 2nd copy - Defendant 3rd copy - Plaintiff STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court address JUDGMENT OF POSSESSION AFTER LAND CONTRACT FORFEITURE CASE NO. Court telephone no. Plaintiff v Defendant THE COURT FINDS: by hearing default* consent** *For a defendant on active military duty, default judgment shall not be entered except as provided by the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. Plaintiff/Attorney Personal service Defendant/Attorney Personal service TO THE DEFENDANT, IT IS ORDERED: 1. The land contract has been forfeited. 2. The plaintiff has a right to possession. 3. There is now due to plaintiff: Amount $ Other damages $ Costs $ Total $ 4. There is no cause of action. 5. Payment of the purchase price: a. Less than 50 percent of the purchase price has been paid. b. 50 percent or more of the purchase price has been paid. 6. A judgment of possession for breach of a land contract is entered in this case for the following described property: 7. An order of eviction may be issued upon expiration of defendant does not: a. pay the total amount due in item 3 above. b. cure the following breach: 90 days 6 months after the entry of this judgment if the 8. A money judgment for damages under MCL 600.5739 is awarded in the amount of $ 9. FURTHER ORDERS: . 10. YOU ARE ADVISED that you may file a motion for a new trial, a motion to set aside a default judgment, or an appeal and appeal bond within 10 days of judgment. Any motion or appeal must comply with the court rules and must be filed in court by . You may want legal help. Date Date Judge Bar no. **Approved: Date Date Plaintiff/Attorney Defendant/Attorney MCL 600.5741, MCL 600.5744(3), MCR 4.202(J), 50 USC App 521 Payment in the full amount may be made to the plaintiff or to the court by certified check or money order. CERTIFICATE OF MAILING: I certify that on this date I served a copy of this judgment on the parties or their attorneys by first-class mail addressed to their last-known addresses as defined by MCR 2.107(C)(3). Date DC 106 (3/16) Deputy clerk JUDGMENT OF POSSESSION AFTER LAND CONTRACT FORFEITURE American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com