Last updated: 1/25/2024
Notice Of Change Of Members And Or Managers Of A Limited Liability Company {983A}
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NOTICE OF CHANGE OF MEMBERS AND/OR MANAGERS OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Return to: Commercial Division Enclose $25 filing fee Domestic Limited Liability Company Make remittance payable to Secretary of State P.O. Box 94125Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9125(225) 925-4704 Do Not Send Cash www.sos.la.gov Limited Liability Company Name: REMOVAL OF MEMBERS AND/OR MANAGERS Notice is hereby given that the above named limited liability company authorized the removal of the following: Only the titles indicated will be removed. To be signed by a member or manager Date ADDITION OF MEMBERS AND/OR MANAGERS Notice is hereby given that the above named limited liability company has authorized the addition of the following: Only the titles indicated will be added. SS983A Rev. (See instructions on back) To be signed by a member or manager Date INSTRUCTIONS 1.This form is to be used when an existing domestic limited liability company changes the Member(s) and/or Manager(s).2.The Change of Member(s) and/or Manager(s) must be signed by a manager, if management of the limited liability company is vested in one or more managers, or by at least one member, if management of the limited liability company is reserved to the members. www.FormsWorkflow.com