Form For Appearance Of Counsel {DKT-5A} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

 Official Federal Forms   Circuit Court Of Appeals   5th Circuit Court Of Appeals 
Form For Appearance Of Counsel {DKT-5A} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 7/10/2023

Form For Appearance Of Counsel {DKT-5A}

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DKT-5A - NOTICE OF FORM FOR APPEARANCE .This form is used to provide notice of appearance for attorneys who are admitted to the Bar of the Fifth Circuit Court. Each attorney representing a party in the case must complete a separate form. The form requires the attorney to enter the Fifth Circuit case number and the short title of the case. The attorney must also indicate the party they represent, whether it is the petitioner, respondent, amicus curiae, appellant, appellee, or intervenor. The form includes contact information, such as the attorney's email address, name, state/bar number, title, firm or organization, address, city, state, zip code, primary telephone number, and optional cell phone number. The form also includes sections for designating lead counsel when multiple attorneys represent a single party or group of parties, as well as providing information about any Circuit Judge of the Fifth Circuit who participated in the case in the district or bankruptcy court. Additionally, there are inquiries for the attorney to answer regarding related cases pending in the Fifth Circuit or other courts, as well as whether the case qualifies for calendaring priority under 5th Cir. R. 47.7. Detailed information and further details can be provided by attaching additional sheets if necessary.

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