Request To Amend Name After Judgment {SUPSC-008} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

 California   Local County   Santa Cruz   Small Claims 
Request To Amend Name After Judgment {SUPSC-008} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 11/7/2022

Request To Amend Name After Judgment {SUPSC-008}

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PARTY INFORMATION (Name and address): TELEPHONE NO: FAX NO. (Optional) EMAIL ADDRESS (Optional): FOR COURT USE ONLY SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ Watsonville Branch 1 Second Street, Room 300 Watsonville, CA 95076 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER : vs. DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT : REQUEST TO AMEND NAME AFTER JUDGMENT CASE NUMBER: Form Adopted for OPTIONAL USE Superior Court of Santa Cruz County SUPSC 008 11 /0 2 / 18 REQUEST AND ORDER TO AMEND NAME AFTER JUDGMENT Page 1 of 2 SUPSC 008 1. I request the court make an order to amend the name(s) on the judgment entered on from the incorrect name(s) of to the correct legal name and actually used name(s) of . 2. 3. The facts supp orting this request are as follows(include documentation to support request): 4. If you wish to oppose this request, please file a response with the court within 15 days and serve a copy on the opposing side. NO HEARING WILL BE HELD UNLESS ORDERED BY COURT I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: Signature of Party I certify that I am not a party to this cause and that a copy of the foregoing request was mailed, first - class post age fully prepaid, in a sealed envelope, addressed as shown below, and that the request was mailed at (place): ,California on (date): . additional parties. Date: ALEX CALVO, Clerk of the Court, by Deputy American LegalNet, Inc. ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT AN ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): TELEPHONE NO: FAX NO. (Optional) EMAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name): FOR COURT USE ONLY SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ Watsonville Branch 1 Second Street, Room 300 Watsonville, CA 95076 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER : vs. DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT : ORDER TO AMEND NAME AFTER JUDGMENT CASE NUMBER: Form Adopted for OPTIONAL USE Superior Court of Santa Cruz County SUPSC 008 11 /0 2 / 18 REQUEST AND ORDER TO AMEND NAME AFTER JUDGMENT Page 2 of 2 SUPSC 008 GOOD CAUSE APPEARING, the court orders the incorrect name(s) on the judgment entered on amended from to . DATE: Judicial Officer S CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I certify that I am not a party to this cause and that a copy of the foregoing request was mailed, first - class postage fully prepaid, in a sealed envelope addressed as shown below, and that the request was mailed at (place): , California on (date): . See attached sheet for additional parties. Date: ALEX CALVO, Clerk of the Court by Deputy American LegalNet, Inc.

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