Amended Certificate Of Limited Partnership {0029} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Oklahoma

 Oklahoma   Secretary Of State   Limited Partnership 
Amended Certificate Of Limited Partnership {0029} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Oklahoma

Last updated: 8/10/2022

Amended Certificate Of Limited Partnership {0029}

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AM MENDED D CER RTIFICAT TE OF LI IMITED PARTNE ERSHIP (O Oklahoma L Limited Par rtnership) TO: OKLAHOMA ECRETARY OF OF STATE O OKLAHOMA SE F SECRETARY STATE 2 2300 N Lincoln Blvd., 210 421 N.W. 13th,BSuiteRoom 101, State Capitol O Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103 O OklahomaCity, Oklahoma 73105-4897 (405) 522-2520 (405) 522-2520 Filing Fee: $50.0 g 00 I hereby execute the following articles for th purpose o amending the Oklaho a he of g oma certifica of limited ate d pursu to the provisions of Title 54, Se uant p f ection 500-2 202A: 1 The limit partnersh is a Limi Liability Limited Pa 1. ted hip ited y artnership: (c check one) No OR Yes 2 A) Name of the limit partnersh or limited liability lim 2. e ted hip d mited partne ership: B) AS AM MENDED: Name of the limited par e rtnership or limited liabi ility limited partnership: : (Note The new nam of a limited partnership must contain ei e: me m ither the words LIMITED PA s ARTNERSHI or the abbrev IP viations L.P. or o LP. Note: The new name of a lim w mited liability limited partn nership must c contain the phra "limited li ase iability limited partnership" d " e or the abbreviation LLLP or L.L.L.P.) 3 AS AME 3. ENDED: Str and mailing address of the desig reet gnated office e: The designated office is the office address of the limited p T d o o partnership in O Oklahoma, whi need not be a place of its ich e activity. a Oklah homa Street Address t City Sta ate Zip Code 4 AS AME 4. ENDED: NA AME and str address of the regist reet tered agent f service of process in the state of for Oklahom ma: The agent must be the limited partnership it T d tself, an individ dual resident o Oklahoma, o a corporation limited of or n, liability compa or limited partnership form in or auth any p med horized to do bu usiness in Okla ahoma. Oklahoma a Name Street Address A OXES ARE NO ACCEPTABLE) OT (P.O. BO City State Z Code Zip 5 AS AME 5. ENDED: NA AME and str and mai reet iling address of each gen s neral partner r: Name e Street Address City Sta ate Z Code Zip (SOS FOR 0029-07/12 RM 2) American LegalNet, Inc. 6. Term of duration is to be perpetual, unless stated otherwise: 7. E-MAIL address of the primary contact for the registered business: Notice of the Annual Certificate will ONLY be sent to the limited partnership at its last known electronic mail address of record. 8. Set forth clearly any and all amendments: The amended certificate of limited partnership must be signed by at least one (1) general partner listed in the certificate and each other person designated as a new general partner or each person dissociated as a general partner. If the limited partnership adds or deletes the statement that it is a limited liability limited partnership, then the amended certificate must be signed by all the general partners listed in the certificate. If the general partner is a corporation, then the certificate shall be signed by the president or vice president of the corporation, and attested to by the secretary or assistant secretary of said corporation. Signed this day of , by: Signature of General Partner Printed Name Title Signature of General Partner Printed Name Title (SOS FORM 0029-07/12) American LegalNet, Inc.

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