Rental Agreement-general | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Legal Forms

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Rental Agreement-general | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Legal Forms

Last updated: 11/13/2017

Rental Agreement-general

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RENTAL AGREEMENT By agreement made this (Date) between , of (Address),"Owner", and , of (Address), " Renter". PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The Owner warrants that to the be st of his/her knowledge and belief the aforesaid property is free of faults or deficiencies which would affect its safe and dependable operation under normal and prudent usage. RENTAL PERIOD The Owner agrees to rent the above - described property to the Rent er for a period of (Time Period), beginning (Date) and ending (Date). USE OF PROPERTY The Renter further agrees that the rented property [1] shall not be used beyond any rated capacity; [2] shall not be used for any illegal purpose; [3] shall not be used in any manner for which it was not designed, built, or designated by the manufa cturer; [4] will not be used in a negligent manner; [5] will not be operated by any other person without the written permission of the Owner; and [6] will not be removed from the designated area of use or operation. AREA OF USE OR OPERATION The Renter agre es to operate/use the above - described property only at the following location or within the following described area(s): 2001 251 American LegalNet, Inc. INSURANCE The Renter hereby agrees that he shall fully indemnify the Owner for any and all damage to or loss of the rented property and any accessories or related equipment during the term of this Agreement whether caused by fire, theft, flood, vand alism, or any other cause, except that which shall be determined to have been caused by a fault or deficiency of the rented property, accessories, or equipment. RENTAL RATE The Renter hereby agrees to pay the Owner at the rate of $ per (Day/Week/Month) for the use of said property. Any fuel used shall be paid for by the Renter. DEPOSIT The Renter further agrees to make a deposit of $ with the Owner. Said deposit to be used, in the event of loss of or damage to the rented property during the term of this Agreement, to defray fully or partially the cost of necessary repairs or replacement. In the absence of any damage or loss, said deposit shall be credited toward payment of the rental fee and any excess shall be returned to the Renter. RETURN OF PROPERTY TO OWNER The Renter hereby agrees to return the rented property and any accessories/equipment to the Owner at (Location) no later than (Date). TERMINATIO N OF AGREEMENT It is mutually agreed that the Renter shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time by payment of one full day rental for each 24 - hour period or any part thereof, during which the Renter has retained possession of the property and any accessories/ equipment during the term of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto hereby execute this Agreement. Renter222s Signature Date Owner222s Signature Date 2001 251 American LegalNet, Inc.

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