Certification Regarding Amended Disclosure Statement (Chapter 11) {3017-1} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Pennsylvania

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Certification Regarding Amended Disclosure Statement (Chapter 11) {3017-1} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Pennsylvania

Last updated: 12/27/2019

Certification Regarding Amended Disclosure Statement (Chapter 11) {3017-1}

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IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA IN RE: : CHAPTER 11 : : Debtor(s)-in-Possession : CASE NO. - - ********************************************************************** CERTIFICATION REGARDING AMENDED DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The undersigned, counsel for the above-captioned Debtor(s), hereby certif ies that theAmended Disclosure Statement, filed , contains changes to theDisclosure Statement, filed , of such nature and degree that: 1. notice must be circulated as if an original Disclosure Statement; 2. notice need be sent only to the objectors to the last filed DisclosureStatement; 3. no further notice is required and the Amended DisclosureStatement can be approved as submitted. Dated: Counsel for Debtor(s)

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