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Non-Attorney Trustee Registration Form And User Agreement (ECF)
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UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF OHIO ELECTRONIC CASE FILING SYSTEM NON-ATTORNEY TRUSTEE REGISTRATION FORM AND USER AGREEMENT This form shall be used by non-attorney trustees to register for an account on the Court's Electronic Case Filing System (hereafter "System"). Registered non-attorney trustees, as well as non-attorney staff of a Chapter 7 trustee or Chapter 13 trustee who are authorized to process documents electronically, will have privileges both to electronically submit documents and to view and retrieve electronic docket sheets and documents for all cases assigned to the System, except as otherwise prohibited as an unauthorized practice of law. The following information is required for registration: First/Middle/Last Name: ________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City, State, and Zip Code: __________________________________________________________ County: ______________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________________________________________________ FAX Number: _________________________________________________________________ Email Address: _______________________________________________________________ Name of Trustee (if different from registrant's name): _______________________________ Training is required before a non-attorney trustee is permitted to access the System. Please select one of the following court offices in which you would prefer to receive this training: G G Akron Canton G G Cleveland Toledo G Youngstown By submitting this registration form, the undersigned agrees to abide by the following: 1. The prerequisites for ECF training will have been satisfied prior to training. The prerequisites are basic personal computer skills, including a working knowledge of the Internet, browser usage, e-mail usage, and scanning. At this time, the requirements for filing, viewing, and retrieving case documents are: · a device (such as a PC) with an Internet connection of at least 56K (a higher speed connection such as DSL or cable is recommended) · software that can view and create PDF files · a scanner and scanner software (if any documents to be filed need to be converted into electronic format) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 2. · the Mozilla Firefox browser (software version 2.x or newer) or the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser (software version 5.5 or newer)1. 3. The provisions of the Court's Electronic Case Filing (ECF) Administrative Procedures Manual, as it may be modified from time to time, are incorporated by reference into this agreement. A registered user is responsible and liable for any documents submitted electronically to the System by means of the user's login and password. A registered non-attorney trustee's System eligibility may be restricted or revoked for any of the following reasons: · knowingly permitting his/her System password to be utilized by anyone who is not authorized to utilize the password · filing pleadings or other documents on behalf of someone who is not a registered user · requesting an excused late filing on a repetitive basis due to the failure of the trustee's electronic filing equipment to operate · failing to comply with any of his/her other obligations set forth in this agreement. 4. 5. G I accept the above rules and requirements. (To submit, you must check this box.) Submit via Email Print for Submission via Fax (216) 615-4364 The United States Courts do not endorse commercial products. When competing Internet browsers develop the full ability to file and download pleadings from this system, they can be utilized. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 1