Order Determing Value Of Collateral CH 13 {D-3} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Vermont

 Vermont   Federal   Bankruptcy Court 
Order Determing Value Of Collateral CH 13 {D-3} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Vermont

Last updated: 7/16/2018

Order Determing Value Of Collateral CH 13 {D-3}

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VTB Form D-3 04/2018 See Vt. LBR 3012-1 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF VERMONT In re: , Chapter 13 Debtor(s). Case # ORDER DETERMINING VALUE OF COLLATERAL, AMOUNT OF ALLOWED SECURED CLAIM, AND INTEREST RATE TO BE PAID ON ALLOWED SECURED CLAIM REGARDING CLAIM OF [CREDITOR] On , 20, the debtor filed a chapter 13 plan or amended plan (doc. # ), which contained a Request for Valuation of Security in Part 3.2 with regard to the secured claim of [creditor]. After due consideration of that valuation request and the record in this case, THE COURT FINDS the debtor has given the notice required by Vt. LBR 3012-1 to the chapter 13 trustee and all parties the debtor identified in the schedules and chapter 13 plan as having in interest in the subject collateral [identi-fy all such parties here], under the default procedure, and no opposition to the motion has been filed, or if opposition was filed, the opposition was overruled at a hearing held on . Therefore, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the subject collateral [identify collateral here by make/model/vin#] securing the claim of [name of creditor], identified in the debtor(s)222 schedules and plan, is hereby found to have a value of $. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that [the creditor] is allowed a secured claim in this case, in the amount of $ , secured by the above-referenced collateral.* IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the debtor shall pay the allowed secured claim plus interest at the rate of % per annum. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that any proof of claim filed with respect to this claim, subsequent to the date the valuation motion was served, is disallowed as a secured claim to the extent it exceeds the amount of the secured claim determined by this Order. SO ORDERED. , 20 Burlington, Vermont Colleen A. Brown United States Bankruptcy Judge *For statistical purposes: The Property is / is not valued below the amount of the claim. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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