At Issue Memorandum | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

 California   Local County   Mariposa   General 
At Issue Memorandum | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 5/29/2015

At Issue Memorandum

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SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF MARIPOSA ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ____________________________________) No. AT ISSUE MEMORANDUM ( ) Counter NATURE OF CASE (state fully):_______________________________________________________________ TRIAL SETTING REQUIRED? ( ) yes JURY DEMANDED? ( ) yes ( ) no ( ) no PRETRIAL REQUESTED? ( ) yes ( ) no ESTIMATED TIME OF TRIAL:__________________________ ( ) no CASE ENTITLED TO LEGAL PREFERENCE? ( ) yes ­ CODE SECT.____________________ AMOUNT AT ISSUE:________________ DATE OF LAST SETTLEMENT ATTEMPT:__________________ ____The names, addresses and telephone numbers of attorneys for parties or of parties appearing in person are: (NOTE: If space is insufficient, check box and place additional information on reverse side.) FOR PLAINTIFF(S)/PETITIONER(S): FOR DEFENDANT(S)/RESPONDENT(S): ________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Attorney appearing: Attorney appearing: ________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Firm: Firm: ________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Address: Address: ________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ________________________________________ Telephone number: ________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Telephone number: ___________________________________________ I hereby present to the Court that all essential parties have been served with process or have appeared herein and that this case is at issue as to all such parties; that no amend or supplemental complaint or cross-complaint or other affirmative pleading remains unanswered; that, to my knowledge, no other parties will be served with a summons prior to the time of trial and I know of no further pleading to be filed. Dated: _______________________ ____________________________________________ Attorney for _________________________________ ANY PARTY NOT IN AGREEMENT WITH THE INFORMATION OR ESTIMATES GIVEN IN AN ATISSUE MEMORANDUM SHALL, WITHIN TEN DAYS AFTER SERVICE THEREOF, SERVE AND FILE A MEMORANDUM IN HIS BEHALF. American LegalNet, Inc. ADDITIONAL ATTORNEYS OR PARTIES APPEARING IN PERSON 1. REPRESENTING: ____________________ Attorney appearing: ____________________________________ Firm: ____________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Telephone number: ____________________________________ 2. REPRESENTING:______________________ Attorney appearing: _____________________________________ Firm: _____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Telephone number: _____________________________________ 3. REPRESENTING: ____________________ Attorney appearing: ____________________________________ Firm: ____________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Telephone number: ____________________________________ 4. REPRESENTING:______________________ Attorney appearing: _____________________________________ Firm: _____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Telephone number: _____________________________________ PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL The undersigned states: That I am and was, at all times herein mentioned, a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County of ________________________________, over the age of 18 years and not a party to the within action; that my business or residence address is _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________ On __________________, 20_____. I served the within AT ISSUE MEMORANDUM on the person(s) named as attorney(s) or appearing in person in the within AT ISSUE MEMORANDUM with the exception of the person(s) submitting said AT ISSUE MEMORANDUM by depositing a copy thereof, enclosed in a sealed envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid, in the United States Post Office mail box at _____________ ________________, California, addressed to said person(s) at his/her/their respective address(es) as stated in the within AT ISSUE MEMORANDUM and that the person(s) on whom said service was made resides or has his office at a place where there is a delivery service by mail and that there is a regular communication by mail between the place of mailing and the place so addressed. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on (Date)__________________________ at (City) __________________, California. _____________________________________ Signature _____________________________________ Type name American LegalNet, Inc.

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