LMM Creditors Notice Of Substitution Of Servicing Agent {LMM 3.NOTICE.SUBSTITUTE.SERVICER} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

 California   Federal   USBC Central   Loan Modification 
LMM Creditors Notice Of Substitution Of Servicing Agent {LMM 3.NOTICE.SUBSTITUTE.SERVICER} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 2/12/2024

LMM Creditors Notice Of Substitution Of Servicing Agent {LMM 3.NOTICE.SUBSTITUTE.SERVICER}

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LMM 3.NOTICE.SUBSTITUTE.SERVICER - LMM CREDITOR’S NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTION OF SERVICING AGENT. This form is used in bankruptcy cases within the Central District of California. It is filed when there is a change in the servicing agent for a loan involved in a Loan Modification Management (LMM) Program during a bankruptcy case. The form includes details about the Order Granting Motion to Commence Loan Modification Management Program entered in the bankruptcy case and specifies that all parties to the LMM Program must perform specified duties during Stage #2, the LMM Resolution Period. It identifies the previous servicing agent and notifies the court and all parties that a new servicing agent ("Successor Servicer") has been named. The Successor Servicer is expected to fulfill all duties specified in the LMM Procedures. The form is signed by the attorney for the creditor, and it includes a proof of service section where the individual filing the document attests to serving it to the appropriate parties via methods such as court electronic filing, United States mail, personal delivery, overnight mail, facsimile transmission, or email, as per the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and controlling Local Bankruptcy Rules. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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