Last updated: 2/15/2024
Information Concerning Projected Market Prices And Related Market Information {133.30}
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Form 133.30 - INFORMATION CONCERNING PROJECTED MARKET PRICES AND RELATED MARKET INFORMATION (§109.7 and §4005.019 (formerly Section 5.O(3)), Texas Securities Act) (Supplement to Form 133.5 or Form 133.6). Section 4005.019 (formerly Section 5.O(3)) provides that securities should be offered for sale at prices reasonably related to the current market price of such security at the time of sale. The Texas State Securities Board has interpreted the language “at prices reasonably related to the current market price of such security at the time of sale” to mean that the market price of such security in the existing secondary market must have a basis supported by a substantial volume of bona fide sales transactions within or without this state. Additionally the Board policy provides that in the absence of a going market or where there have been only casual transactions, it shall be incumbent on the person filing the §4005.019 (formerly Section 5.O) Exemption Notice to prove to the Commissioner that the security will have a market price that has been fairly determined and justified at inception with reasonable assurance of continuity of the market into the future. This procedure would include consideration by the Commissioner of criteria established in the items set out below If additional space is needed to respond to any item, please attach a separate sheet and number answers to correspond to the numbers on this form. www.FormsWorkflow.com