Order Granting Leave To Withdraw And Setting CMC (Judge K. Kyle) | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Florida

 Florida   Local County   Lee   Civil 
Order Granting Leave To Withdraw And Setting CMC (Judge K. Kyle) | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Florida

Last updated: 9/24/2024

Order Granting Leave To Withdraw And Setting CMC (Judge K. Kyle)

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ORDER GRANTING LEAVE TO WITHDRAW AS ATTORNEY OF RECORD AND SETTING CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE. This form is used by the Circuit Court in Lee County, Florida, to formally grant an attorney's request to withdraw from representing a client in a civil case. The order allows the attorney to be relieved of further responsibilities, and it informs the client (now acting pro se, or self-represented) about the consequences of proceeding without legal counsel. The plaintiff is given 30 days to either find new legal representation or choose to represent themselves. During this period, the case is temporarily paused. If the plaintiff fails to find a new attorney within the given time, they will proceed as a self-represented litigant, except for corporate entities, which must have legal representation. A case management conference is scheduled, and the plaintiff must attend via Zoom. If neither the plaintiff nor new counsel appears, the case may be dismissed. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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